Osama Bin Laden dead

"Ding Dong, Osama's dead, Osama's dead. The wicked Osama is dead..."

I wonder what sea life got him first.
I'm not sure what your point is here Gonz. Is it that Rumsfeld is not as informed on the subject of KSM's waterboarding as you are?
Weird that you'd say that. It's all about we got bin Laden and you seem to be bitching about it.
some lack the maturity to recognize when someone they generally disagree with does something right.

it was a gutsy call. they weren't sure it was osama in that compound, but he gave the go-ahead. he'd have looked like a fool if osama wasn't there and he'd operated in pakistan without their approval.
yep, Obama did good.

but as Herman Cain said...
"One good decision does not a president make."
dude if obama showed up and pulled your drowning child out of a raging river at great risk to himself, you'd probably suggest that there was a team of special ops holding his family hostage, demanding that he go save some random girl, or else.
Ha! you're assuming baraq would lift a finger that didn't show benefit to his polling, let alone at great risk to he'self. (BTW, yoo'd go down w/o knee pads, at great risk to yourself, to caress his schmeke) :wink2:

I'm guessing baraq was painted into a corner on this op, Id look at Penetta and Clinton for pulling the trigger. -- This op is diametrically opposed to obamas "leadersheep" no matter how much he spikes the football for the media.

Obama the warrior gets his 72 versions. :jester:
Ha! you're assuming baraq would lift a finger that didn't show benefit to his polling, let alone at great risk to he'self. (BTW, yoo'd go down w/o knee pads, at great risk to yourself, to caress his schmeke) :wink2:

I'm guessing baraq was painted into a corner on this op, Id look at Penetta and Clinton for pulling the trigger. -- This op is diametrically opposed to obamas "leadersheep" no matter how much he spikes the football for the media.

Obama the warrior gets his 72 versions. :jester:

jesus dude you just put a nail in your own coffin. but, hey, you're just fucking around anyway...

keep the faith, sister peanut.
When Osama bin Laden died, he was met at the pearly gates
by George Washington, who slapped him across the face and
yelled: "How dare you try to destroy the nation I helped conceive!"

Patrick Henry approached, punched him in the nose and
shouted: "You wanted to end our liberties but you failed."

James Madison followed, kicked him in the groin and said:
"This is why I allowed our government to provide for the
common defense!"

Thomas Jefferson was next, beat Osama with a long cane
and snarled: "It was evil men like you who inspired me to
write the Declaration of Independence."

The beatings and thrashing continued as George Mason,
James Monroe and 64 other early Americans unleashed
their anger on the terrorist leader.

As Osama lay bleeding and in pain, an angel appeared.
Bin Laden wept and said: "This is not what you promised me."

The angel replied: "I told you there would be 70 Virginians waiting for
you in Heaven. What did you think I said?
