OT Central LOGO!

Okay, this is my unofficial entry into the Logo Vote. :D


barlogo.gif, 13.10kb

Wow, seven posts in a row!

But I still like ris's. ;) It's just so classy and elegant. It would really set this forum apart from the dozens of others out there (as far as looks anyway).
I tried to make a logo. I'm no artist or photoshop prodigy, so I did what I do best... CAD!

I had a pretty cool 3d textured semi-transparent logo that was pretty sweet looking when OGL rendered spinning around... but it looks pretty lame when sitting still (kind of like a someone tried to make a 3d text in photoshop or something). There's just no one angle it looks good at, but when it's spinning, it looks natural.

Oh well, I still like ris's anyway.
Nobody cares what you like! :D j/k (sour grapes)

We'll have a vote and see which logo we'll use when fury gets back. Everyone can enter one logo. If there are too
many (more than 10), then the staff members will pick the best 10 and then the people will vote. :)
how shall they be presented [standard width, height etc]?, just for the poor sods with smaller resolutions than 1600x1200 D

should they be part screeenshot or just the logo?
We need fury to tell us the correct dimensions. And for the vote, you need to submit your logo by itself, not as a
screenshot. :) But, you can still show off your screenshot here, and maybe at the poll thread. ;)
The image has to fit into a 640x480 browser without scrolling horizontally and not be too high, as excessive having to scroll will piss off people who don't have a mouse wheel to scroll easily with. So, about 620x80 or so would be the max size... smaller the better..

Current one is 34 pixels high, but I do like ris's spiffy nice logo ;)
here is my official entry, until the actual vote etc etc

it's 620x34 and a snip at 6k

*tried attaching it properly :)


otcthree_proper.jpg, 5.92kb

sb yours is coming along, but I have a suggestion - could you tone it down a bit, I find the centre a little *blindingly bright* otherwise like I said it's coming along :)