OTC, Internet, and Significant Others

Rose said:
23ish and that's NOT OLD!
23 then!! :D...No you're 24ish!!! Swear to god! Ask Dusty :p
And you're old enough to be having a SO :p Wait...I think you're 24...DAMMIT!!! I think we should all have a tattoo on our ass giving out copywritten info and the date you were born at :p So we can be all "Yeah, check your ass and get back to me on that" :p

30's more like old to me :$. But I do want a SO [[whimpers]] like a long term one :mope:
Yes to all. Rusty doesn't come by here on his own but I'll show him threads and tell him about conversations. He's aware of (and is ok with) what a flirt I am here and the way I was with my old guy friends. We don't have jealousy hangups and can rest on our trust for each other.
Wacky Nacky said:
23 then!! :D...No you're 24ish!!! Swear to god! Ask Dusty :p
And you're old enough to be having a SO :p Wait...I think you're 24...DAMMIT!!! I think we should all have a tattoo on our ass giving out copywritten info and the date you were born at :p So we can be all "Yeah, check your ass and get back to me on that" :p

30's more like old to me :$. But I do want a SO [[whimpers]] like a long term one :mope:

im sure youll find a great guy soon. hell be a lucky guy too :)(no im not saying that in a sexual way hell be lucky to have such a beautiful young woman under his arm)
Rose said:
Firstly, do you have a significant other (spouse, serious girl/boyfriend, etc)?
Currently, yes ^_^

Rose said:
If you do, does your significant other (SO) know how you behave online? Would he/she approve of some of the ... "flirting" or otherwise behavioral posts you make?
Well I assume he does, he was over the one night, and I had IRC running in the background... so I checked in for a couple minutes while he was out of the room and one of my friends online did a "/me humps Vortex's leg" a friendly jesture - of course ;) He just looked at that, and smiled while shaking his head :p

Rose said:
Does your SO know about OTC?

Rose said:
Does your SO know about other online habits you might have?
Yup, pretty much all of them :D

:hug: s fury

Nha, the leg humping didn't get me anywhere in trouble :p No matter who it was, all I have to do is pull being an "eccentric" on my BF and I can even get away with a sexx0rz or two :p
I only come online when I have to kill some time. If my gf is here then I don't have to kill any time. She couldn't care less about OTC and I couldn't care less about her caring any less.. :shrug:
Wacky Nacky said:
23 then!! :D...No you're 24ish!!! Swear to god! Ask Dusty :p
And you're old enough to be having a SO :p Wait...I think you're 24...DAMMIT!!! I think we should all have a tattoo on our ass giving out copywritten info and the date you were born at :p So we can be all "Yeah, check your ass and get back to me on that" :p

30's more like old to me :$. But I do want a SO [[whimpers]] like a long term one :mope:
Nah. You dont at times trust me. And I'm only 20 and I feel damned old :mope:

Anyway yes I do, she knows its not real so I doubt she'd be bothered. She knows about OTC and has even read some of my more racy posts. I have no other online habits :crying3:
Im sure she'd be okay with it; she knows i love her
Not to my knowledge
Im sure she thinks i look at porn, but cant prove it.. im currently weening(sp?) myself off of it.. so far so good
HubbaHubba said:
Im sure she'd be okay with it; she knows i love her
Not to my knowledge
Im sure she thinks i look at porn, but cant prove it.. im currently weening(sp?) myself off of it.. so far so good
why would she care if you looked at porn? :s Personally, i'd rather allow the other person to look at porn, so therefore I still could as well :D
ya well shes not quite as openminded on the sexual thing. So its a slow process, and shes more than worth it.

I dont think she'd care if i looked at porn, i mean she knows i have her bests friends nekked pics backed up on like 4 disks and doesnt worry about it.
I have no significant other, I cruise OTC as a free man.

As for porn, it's a free country. It just makes me vomit blood incessantly.
Rose said:
This thread is inspired by a couple of threads here.

Firstly, do you have a significant other (spouse, serious girl/boyfriend, etc)?

If you do, does your significant other (SO) know how you behave online? Would he/she approve of some of the ... "flirting" or otherwise behavioral posts you make?

Does your SO know about OTC?

Does your SO know about other online habits you might have?


I do

She doesn't know the extent of my online time...considers the internet a waste of time better spent elsewhere. I don't think that she'd be surprised at the posts that I do make though. ...andshe doesn't care where I get my appetite, so long as I eat at home.

She's never hread of it, though she wonders where I know all these women that I MSN with from (especially when I'm not online but she is and the MSN popup says that (insert female name here) is saying Hi hon!
