OTC Slogan Ideas

steweygrrrr said:
I was just using my knowledge of what the two word components meant.

/me raises hand

Am I a spacktard? :lloyd:
sbcanada had the honor of being first named Spacktard. Search for his posts to find out why :beerbang:
"OTC: If I had a hammer..."

"OTC: Every time I learn something new it pushes some olf stuff out of my brain!"

"OTC: If brains were bread, you'd have starved a long time ago"

"OTC: Free discussion, no brain required"

"OTC: Comes with your own padded room..."

"OTC: Get a free sleeveless jacket and an overnight stay in one of our padded hotel rooms..."

"OTC: Do you want to be dragged off kicking and screaming, or come calmly?"

"OTC: Do I look sane in this?"

"OTC: Wooo pretty colours..."

"OTC: The doctor said I'm dangerous, but he went quiet after I stabbed him..."

"OTC: This is a slogan:)"

"OTC: What are you looking at?"

I can make up some more random ones;)

"OTC - where hijacking is legal!"

"OTC - kiss your sanity goodbye!"

"OTC - beer-banging heaven! :beerbang:"

"OTC - hijackers anonymous!"
"OTC: Where sanity is like virginity - non-returnable."

"OTC: Sanity in neutral, PC in overdrive..."

"OTC: The eighth deadly sin!"
Aunty Em said:
"OTC: Sanity in neutral, PC in overdrive..."


Ok. These are my last few because, frankly, I'm out of ideas.

Off Topic Central: It's where you ought to be.

Off Topic Central: Any topics. All off.

OTC: The only place you can get off topic on purpose.

OTC: Getting off topic is expected.

OTC: Shirt piqued your interest? Check us out.

Off Topic Central: An internet community for you.

(front) OTC: We had a slogan contest.
(back) <rejected slogans>

OTC: Check US out before YOU check out.

OTC: Best spam you ever had.

OTC: Off topic is the norm. On topic is KUH-RAZY!

On Top Celebrity?
Orbital Tang Cannon?
Oblivious Tongue Chatter?
Off Topic Central!

OTC: Friends who can't hold your hair when you puke.

OTC: Make some friends.

OTC: Online friends are just as valuable.

OTC: A fine line between sanity and pizza.

OTC: You've read the shirt. Now see the site.

OTC: All your friends are waiting for you.

Who needs porn when you have OTC?

OTC: Freedom to rant.

OTC: It's free. What are you waiting for?

Enjoy the finer things in life. Then enjoy OTC.

OTC: Intellectual orgy.

OTC: Talk to the world.

When you need someone to laugh at.

We're weirdos. No problem if you are, too.

Go ahead and rant.

Go here. Rant. Buy cool stuff.
Go here. Rant. Buy a T-shirt.

Diverse people. Diverse opinions.

It's just like school, except no teachers.

It's just like work, except no bosses.

Rant. Lie. Argue. Praise. Laugh... Discuss.

OTC: Discuss or Disgust? Find out.

Today's topic: You.

OTC: Insomnia's best friend.

OTC: Lunatic Lounge. Need we say more?

OTC: Your hub to life on the net.

The best BBS this side of the Milky Way.

Want a shirt like this? Off Topic Central!

It's like watching life pass you by.

Have computer. Will type.

It doesn't matter how fast you type. Only WHAT you type.

OTC: Boredom's worst enemy.

Eat. Work. Play. OTC.

A support group AND backstabbing prima donnas.

It's all about karma.

We're fresh out of sane.

For those who give a damn. And those who don't.