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Discovered papers:
Hanoi directed Kerry
[size=+1]Recovered Vietnam documents
'smoking gun' researchers claim.[/size]
Hanoi directed Kerry
[size=+1]Recovered Vietnam documents
'smoking gun' researchers claim.[/size]
Could it be true? This could be the end of the long-faced foe.
This could be it, I can't wait for the spin on this by Kerry's people/litigation teams.The first documentary evidence that Vietnamese communists were directly steering John Kerry's antiwar group Vietnam Veterans Against the War has been discovered in a U.S. archive, according to a researcher who spoke with WorldNetDaily.
"This document enables us to connect the dots," he emphasized. "We now have evidence Madame Binh was directing the antiwar movement ... and the person who implemented her strategy was John Kerry."
July 22, 1971, Kerry called on President Nixon to accept the plan at a press conference in which he surrounded himself with the families of POWs, a strategy outlined in the first document.
The two documents also connect the dots between the Vietnamese communists and the radical U.S. group People's Coalition for Peace and Justice through the person of Al Hubbard, a coordinating member of PCPJ and the executive director of VVAW while Kerry was its national spokesman. "Al Hubbard and John Kerry were carrying out the predetermined agenda of the enemy in a coordinated fashion," Corsi said. "It's a level of collaboration that exceeded anything we had imagined."
WND and supportive links to the digital copies of the documents and more.
WAAAAAAAY-TO-GO Swifty's, truly an American "David and Goliath" story. Protecting America from enemies both foriegn and domestic, they are Hero's again.