Outrage as police fly gay pride flag


Well-Known Member
FURIOUS senior cops hit out yesterday after the Union Jack hanging outside a police station was replaced – by a GAY RIGHTS flag.

Officers accused London’s Met of “playing politics” after the swap.

New Met boss Sir Paul Stephenson angrily ordered the rainbow flag to be taken down after he was informed.

Met rules state only the Union Jack and its own flag can fly from force buildings.

But the striped gay emblem was raised instead outside Limehouse Police Station in East London.

It marks Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Month – a gay rights celebration in February.

One officer said: “I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it. The police are playing politics again.

I can understand the need to show acceptance to people of all sexualities – but the Union Jack should never be taken down.”

A senior source added: “Sir Paul was livid when he found out someone had put up the rainbow flag.

“He is anxious the Met does not stray into political territory and focuses on policing.

“The vast majority of the police and public will be fully supportive.”

Former Flying Squad commander John O’Connor said: “Celebrating gay rights is fine – but what’s it got to do with the police?

“We’re servants of the Queen, not the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender movement.”

A Met spokesman said: “All staff have been reminded of our policy on flags.”


I beg your pardon ... Fathers get a day, Mothers get a day ..... queers get a fucking month?????
Black history gets a month, breast cancer awareness gets a month, the earth gets one day, St.Patrick gets one day as does St Valentine etc...
It's political... c'est la vie.

The cops shouldn't get a slap for taking down the flag...they're supposed to be non-political.

Looks like a non-story.
hey, when is white boy day?

Prostate cancer gets a.....what does it get? I guess men suck huh?

What about white supremacy day, you can curb fags, kikes, coons, etc. or lay siege to compounds in Idaho, and bash skinheads? The poster hereby declares himself a non racist, but honestly feels offensive words lose their power when we stop fearing them and it's good humour intended.

How about Hitler day? I mean most of us could celebrate his defeat, while the rest could woe his passing, as I see it it's a win-win!

I think we should have killing spree hour. One hour every leap year where you can kill all those who needs killin' with impunity, and we celebrate human violence! Thing is I am not entirely sure I am kidding about this....

It is ironic that the mother of us all, the one supreme being we can see, touch, smell, and hear; that we should all love, gets only one day and some people actually think Earth day is a bad idea?!?
It is ironic that the mother of us all, the one supreme being we can see, touch, smell, and hear; that we should all love, gets only one day and some people actually think Earth day is a bad idea?!?

earth day is for fags. and would you can the pagan "earth mother" shit? jesus don't like that pagan shit. don't make jesus mad. he'll kick your ass... or send his trailer park surrogates to take you out. or maybe even the governor of alaska!!! (if she isn't too busy hunting down putin in his airplane up there.)
God appointed us the stewards of the earth.
Jesus was a carpenter by trade. He controlled the weather. I think he is
pretty in tune with nature.
earth day is for fags. and would you can the pagan "earth mother" shit? jesus don't like that pagan shit. don't make jesus mad. he'll kick your ass... or send his trailer park surrogates to take you out. or maybe even the governor of alaska!!! (if she isn't too busy hunting down putin in his airplane up there.)

Yeah you are right, what the hell was I smokin?!?

earth day is for fags. and would you can the pagan "earth mother" shit? jesus don't like that pagan shit. don't make jesus mad. he'll kick your ass... or send his trailer park surrogates to take you out. or maybe even the governor of alaska!!! (if she isn't too busy hunting down putin in his airplane up there.)

Gee...obsess much? Were you one of Palin's jilted lovers or something? :D
She struck a lot of nerves. Guess these guys can't stand the thought of a woman at the helm.

blow it out your bum, poopski.

so, if a retarded american of chinese descent ran for president, and i didn't vote for that person, you'd probably tell me i couldn't stand the thought of an asian at the helm.

nah... it's that i don't want no retard in there. :wink2:
The moron went back to Alaska. I think Minkey lives in Washington. He doesn't have to endure it at all.