Outrage as police fly gay pride flag

You know, even her stupidity (and she is not very bright) isn't as annoying as her single-minded, sophomoric mean spiritedness.
You know, even her stupidity (and she is not very bright) isn't as annoying as her single-minded, sophomoric mean spiritedness.

yarp. funny how so many get distracted by the flag waving and fail to notice...
She still intrigues the left. Funny how they are so obsessed with Sarahcuda. :brow:

The Meaning of Sarah Palin

But by November 4, the day of the election, Sarah Palin had been transformed into one of the most divisive figures in recent American history. There was almost no middle ground between those who had come to adore her and those who believed she represented just about every dark and dangerous element of contemporary American politics.

Indeed, the overheated response to Palin’s presence on the national stage, from both friend and foe, was oddly disconnected from Palin’s actual actions, statements, and record. It was a turn of events no one could have anticipated, and one that has much to teach us about American political life in our day.

Palin became the embodiment of every dark fantasy the Left had ever held about the views of evangelical Christians and women who do not associate themselves with contemporary feminism, and all concern for clarity and truthfulness was left at the door.

The reaction to Palin revealed a deep and intense cultural paranoia on the Left: an inclination to see retrograde reaction around every corner, and to respond to it with vile anger. A confident, happy, and politically effective woman who was also a social conservative was evidently too much to bear. The response of liberal feminists was in this respect particularly telling, and especially unpleasant.
IntriguED the left....WERE so obsessed. She barely makes a blip in anyone's radar unless it's for purposes of derision :D
she should run in 2012 with dog the bounty hunter, since they appeal to about the same crowd.

Blonde Sheyla Hershey will appear on British television tonight after boosting her breasts to a whopping 38KKK.

I always figured Klansmen were a bunch of boobs...
Prostate cancer gets a.....what does it get? I guess men suck huh?

More men die of prostate cancer than women of breast cancer yet women have:

  • They have a “Run for the cure”.
  • They have a colored ribbon and an official color, pink
  • They have an official breast cancer month
  • They have a postage stamp
  • They have government funding
  • They have activist lobbyists
  • They say the government is not doing enough
  • There have been vast advancements in breast cancer research and genetics
  • They have free screenings at various locations throughout the nation
  • They have movie stars and celebrities that tout their cause
  • The CDC has set up free screenings including pelvic and breast exams by a doctor for underpriveleged women.

Men can't even get a brown ribbon for their cause.

It is ironic that the mother of us all, the one supreme being we can see, touch, smell, and hear; that we should all love, gets only one day and some people actually think Earth day is a bad idea?!?

Oh come on now. Earth day is not a bad idea. It is a horrible, fucked up, idiotic idea.

Call a spade a spade.
More men die of prostate cancer than women of breast cancer yet women have:

  • They have a “Run for the cure”.
  • They have a colored ribbon and an official color, pink
  • They have an official breast cancer month
  • They have a postage stamp
  • They have government funding
  • They have activist lobbyists
  • They say the government is not doing enough
  • There have been vast advancements in breast cancer research and genetics
  • They have free screenings at various locations throughout the nation
  • They have movie stars and celebrities that tout their cause
  • The CDC has set up free screenings including pelvic and breast exams by a doctor for underpriveleged women.

Men can't even get a brown ribbon for their cause.

Oh jim, why do you never check your facts first?

Many of those same things apply and exist for prostrate cancer. It even has it's own week.

Oh come on now. Earth day is not a bad idea. It is a horrible, fucked up, idiotic idea.

Call a spade a spade.

If we call a spade a spade then Earth Day is a fantastic idea.

What is your opinion of the location of the prostate ... as a whole?

Does this have to do with your fetish?
She has started her own PAC.

(Strains of "Sarahcuda!" playing in the background ...)

Dear GOPUSA Activist,

Last week, I launched a new political action committee called SarahPAC, dedicated to building a better and stronger America. I thought long and hard before taking this step. So friends, let me tell you about it.

As Alaska's Governor, I've been blessed with the opportunity to work on issues that affect every Alaskan family. Of course each one of those issues - energy independence, fiscal responsibility for taxpayer dollars, affordable health care, protecting America's security and supporting a culture of life - are real matters that affect us all.

Throughout my political career, I've fought for these issues. I built my public life fighting corruption and working for smaller and smarter government. Now I want to continue this work through SarahPAC, and I am asking you to join me.

My goal for SarahPAC is to begin building a better future for every one of us, and for our children. Right now, we are all hurting because of unchecked greed and irresponsibility. The solutions for these challenging times lie in the knowledge and faith that America's better days are ahead.

Today, I hope you will take a few minutes to join me and show your support by joining SarahPAC. With a generous donation of $10, $25, $50, $100, $250 or more, you will be standing up as a strong voice for our shared ideas and values. Your donation will allow me to help support candidates who share our ideas about the future of the United States of America.

Each and every one of us has a responsibility as an American to get involved as our country faces an unprecedented economic crisis. You know I will speak out. And you know I will speak for you.

So, please join me in my efforts today by following this link to join and support SarahPAC by making a donation. Every dollar raised will go a long way in advancing our shared goals and ideas.

I look forward to working with you in the future as we build a community of supporters to confront 21st century challenges with integrity, innovation and determination.

With an Alaskan heart - indeed with a servant's heart - I thank you for allowing me to ask for your support.


Governor Sarah Palin

P.S. SarahPAC, my new political action committee, will support candidates who will do what they have promised on the campaign trail. SarahPAC will be efficient and careful with every single penny. I promise to be a good steward of your generous contribution. SarahPAC can accept personal donations up to $5,000 per year. I look forward to hearing from you!