I don't have a scanner anymore
So, this will have to do. A pic of some dude in said hat.
Yes, I wear the hat. Except mine is a giant hat, so I wear it flipped up at the brim like a pirate.
I get off for Xmas at around 7PM on the 24th. I come back from Xmas around 7AM on the 26th.
I'm off Saturday, Sunday and Monday but Dara works all three.
Around here it's illegal to be open after 6pm on Christmas eve.
I bet the Jews & the Hindus & the Muslims, etc, hate that.
They probably also hate that the stores are closed on the 25th and the 26th but tough cookies.
Wait....is it illegal to be open on those dates? If so, they have a complaint. Raji, the Hindi owner of the 7-11 franchise should have the opportunity to remain open & doing business, if he so choses. Doing business around ones personal beliefs is up to the owner, not the government.
If the Canadian government opposes entrepeneurship because of a holyday, tsk tsk tsk.
They probably also hate that the stores are closed on the 25th and the 26th but tough cookies.
In 2001 77% of Canadians were Christian, 6% were non-christian and 17% had no religous affiliation. Now, even if we assume NONE of the people without religous affiliation celebrate Christmas (which we all know is untrue cause many of them celebrate it without the religous undertones) the vast majority of Canada is still christian. When I'm doing work in a jewish neighbourhood I make sure the Contractor doesn't work after sundown on Fridays or on weekends because of the Jewish religions' beliefs. Canada, overall, is a "Christian neighbourhood" so, like I said, TOUGH COOKIES!
In order to have a long weekend next week she had to work all three this weekend. Besides, the boss's cronies get the sweet assignments.why does she have to work on eve and xmas both. thats not fair.
I feel your pain. We used to do Alliston/Stouffville/Bradford(Holland Landing)/Midland/London/Muncee(just past London)/West Lorne/Goderich/back home all within 4-5 daysi get to go do the detroit/london/toronto 'tour in six days' with the proto-wife so's we can spend about four minutes each with various relatives and friends. drinking will help me through it...