With that attitude, you're right....
I'm sorry, but that has to be about one of the single most short sighted, self deluded, and moronic statements I have ever heard! Technology, over population, and the emerging global community make reverting back to the policies of 100 years ago unthinkable! Times they are a changin', DEAL WITH IT. There is a place still for thoughtful yet progressive thinking conservatives. It is necessary to balance out the lunatic fringe on the left. People who want to roll back the calender politically are necessarily, and thankfully a dying breed!
I've heard you speak of the "unContitutionality" of Roosevelt's "New Deals". The man most likely single handedly, (at least in as much as the powers of his office allowed) not only probably rescued America as a nation from total ruin, but was also key in saving the entire planet from domination by two evil empires! He left office with something like and 80% approval rating, and the supreme court ruled his reform to be, in fact, constitutional! More than anything that our Constitution holds dear aside from freedom, is that we be governed by the will of the people. The notion of setting back such progress is ludicrous. Reform, maybe, repeal, HELL NO! I also know that the vast majority of the people are with me on this. I'm sorry but you are just plain wrong, totally and completely in this area.
Roosevelt was a bona fide hero and legend of a man! No he wasn't perfect, he did not walk on water, but he was just what this nation needed in it's darkest hour. Personally I believe that in much the same way, yet neither quite as urgently, both Reagan and Clinton were such men. I have cautious optimism that Mr. Obama could be as well.
As for your $3.82 /hr, I'm assuming you mean minimum wage? Well, if all things in the economy were set right, it could probably be reduced, but at this point, I think that idea is positively loony!