Overthrow...check, Constitution...


molṑn labé
Staff member

Iraqis Said to OK Interim Constitution
Sun Feb 29,11:21 PM ET
By ROBERT H. REID, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraqi politicians agreed on the draft of an interim constitution early Monday, reaching a compromise on the role of Islam and putting off the details of Kurdish autonomy, an Iraqi official said. The charter will likely be signed Wednesday.

Doesn't sound very promising. They're already arguing over seelf-rule for both the Kurds in the North and the Shiites in the South. Sounds like a civil battle in the brewing.

The 'write no laws which contradict the Muslim faith...that might make it hard for women's equality, non?
All those who don't believe there will be a huge civil war in Iraq, raise your hand now.

*sits on hands*
Gonz said:
Maybe Aristide can run Iraq. He's free all of the sudden :rofl3:

He says he wants to go back to Haiti. I heard he already looted the treasury, I wonder what he forgot.
chcr said:
All those who don't believe there will be a huge civil war in Iraq, raise your hand now.

*sits on hands*

am I the only one who thinks that history is repeating itself? wasnt there a civial war in Iraq not long after Desert Storm or was that bullshit?
Airborne outfit - check

Parachute - check

open door - check

Major Bob- "You still say we kidnapped you Mr Preident?"

Aristide- "yes, I wish to return to Haiti, RIGHT NOW!!!"

Maj Bob-"Pilot, report...ugh-huh, okay, you're sure? Good. Out.
Alright President Aristide, anyting you wish. Here, you may want this."

Arisitde- "Why would I want a rifle?"

Maj Bob- "You'll see".

cut to outside view of plane...open door & watch him get shoved out at 15,000 ft. over Port-Au-Prince.
freako104 said:
am I the only one who thinks that history is repeating itself? wasnt there a civial war in Iraq not long after Desert Storm or was that bullshit?
Yes freako, history does repeat itself (or you could say people are too stupid to learn from past mistakes). In Iraq, however, there was not a civil war after Desert Storm.
hmm I thought there was. it was reported i think by newsweek of problems in it and I thought there was violence as a result. Ill go wiht the people too stupid to learn from mistakes
There was an uprising in Basra that was "encouraged "by the US ,this was quelled by Sadam and the citizenry (those that survived) to this day do not trust the US/West
Cant they just change the constitution after the americans leave anyway? If so whats the big deal about hammering out something fair if they can just change it all back again a few months later.
Yep,after June they can just do whatever they want ,they no longer have to have the US representatives approval.
Thulsa Doom said:
Cant they just change the constitution after the americans leave anyway? If so whats the big deal about hammering out something fair if they can just change it all back again a few months later.

Because they can't even get along that much. Shi'ites and Sunis have been fighting over Mohammed's successor since he died (around 1300 years). They're unlikely to stop anytime soon.

That site of Luis' is a veritable goldmine.