Paedophiles...where do we put them?

Gato_Solo said:
By definition, if he/she is non-offending, then he/she is not a pedophile.

huh? so yer saying if a guy is attracted to other guys but hasnt done anything with other guys yet then he isnt gay? he only becomes gay when he actually does something sexually with another guy? what kind of logic is that. im sure theres tens of thousands of pedophiles (people who are attracted to pre-pubescent children) out there that never have and never will offend. but they are still pedophiles. just invisible ones. The question i was asking was if one of them suddenly says hey im a pedophile but i havent done anything well what do we do with them exactly? say ok thats fine? or rip them limb from limb as people have been suggesting above.

One thing to think about...age of consent. If the partner is of age, then there is no crime. Where's the slope?

if the partner is 17 or 16 or 15 it can be a crime in a lot of places (where the age of consent is 18). theres your crime. when a 25 year old has sex with a 16 year old and they both love each other many many people would lump him in with the adult who abuses the 8 year old saying its both sick. theres your slope. theres LOTS of variations and possibilities here and do we lump them all under the same umbrella? "fucked a 17 year old you want to marry? go to jail!"
TD said:
so yer saying if a guy is attracted to other guys but hasnt done anything with other guys yet then he isnt gay?

Well. he may not, but I will. (it's no wonder I'm the target of so much hate mail)

Homosexuality is an act of physical coupling. If, taking out the sexual aspects of either side of this issue, how could you tell the difference?
Gonz said:
Well. he may not, but I will. (it's no wonder I'm the target of so much hate mail)

Homosexuality is an act of physical coupling. If, taking out the sexual aspects of either side of this issue, how could you tell the difference?

homosexuality is homosexuality. just because a guy hasnt screwed another guy doesnt mean hes NOT gay. just means hes not experienced. by your logic a heterosexual virgin is not a heterosexual. well of course he is. he just hasnt gotten a chance to embarrass himself with a girl yet. but he will.
TD said:
by your logic a heterosexual virgin is not a heterosexual.

You're catching on. Without an act (or acts) one is none of the above.

The wiring may be there for a certain conditional response but until it's acted upon, it's neither. That is one of the problems with sexuality in childrens programming. It hurries the response & look where that has gotten us.
Gonz said:
You're catching on. Without an act (or acts) one is none of the above.

The wiring may be there for a certain conditional response but until it's acted upon, it's neither.

hmmm... kind of a Schroedinger's cat aproach to sexual preference. "Schroedinger's sex life" if you will. Unless observed does it really exist?

so then if someone says to you they are gay your response is going to be PROVE IT? the statement "well Im only attracted to other guys" gives no hint of what their sexual preference may be?

If someone knows their preference I'll accept it. If someone claims to be a pedophiliac, I will take whatever means necessary to protect my, and other, children. If someone has pedophiliac tendencies yet doesn't act upon them & doesn't announce it, there's nothing to be done. There is nothing wrong with feelings/urges. They make us human. It the course of actions that determines our character. Acting out on impulses that harm others takes the humainty out of the equation & allows one to become strictly animal, thus allowing them to be put down like a rabid wolf.
Paedophile is a legal term, not a social one. You're a padeophile once you commit illegal sexual acts with a minor. Someone with desires to commit such acts is doing nothing illegal, but you would probably keep your kids away from him/her nevertheless. As far as the social aspect is concerned, it's the desire that counts. Which also accounts for homosexuality. And desires to kill someone - you're not a "murderer" until you actually do it, although your neighbours might call you a psycho.

The definition of Homosexuality is not "a man who has sex with other men". It's defined in terms of sexual attraction, so whether you fuck anybody or not, "doing" homosexuality (or heterosexuality for that matter, in the case of your virgin) is in fact in the desire itself.
A13 said:
The definition of Homosexuality is not "a man who has sex with other men". It's defined in terms of sexual attraction, so whether you fuck anybody or not, "doing" homosexuality (or heterosexuality for that matter, in the case of your virgin) is in fact in the desire itself.

Technically you're right. However, there are more than a few homosexuals that have lived very "normal" lives, had a spouse, children, grandchildren, dogs, cats, white picket fence houses, etc. Since they chose not to act upon urges, are they really homosexuals if they've never lain with a man?
Fair enough. At what point does suppression become "who we are"? 10 years? 50? never? They've made a conscious choice to avoid certain instincts & impulses. Our ocassional desires to reach out & smack someone upside the head & our better judgement stopping that action, isn't that the first step in evolution? Or, are we just violent opressors with a social conscience?
Gonz said:
Fair enough. At what point does suppression become "who we are"? 10 years? 50? never? They've made a conscious choice to avoid certain instincts & impulses.

well that gets us into the whole debate about the inate nature of sexuality (homosexuality in this case). if someone is gay can they decide to become straight? personally I dont think so. they can act straight as you describe even covince themself of it but they will always be gay. you can dress a bear up like a man but he will always be a bear. Michael Jackson can bleach his ass as many times as he wants but he will always be black.
Which, in turn, leads us back to...isn't it the act that decides the premise. Until someone discovers the precise genetic anomaly that "makes" one homosexual, you can't tell the difference, all else being equal. Which, in turn, leads us to the ultimate question-choice or heredity.
:confused: I don't think you ever become something else through suppression. Acting happy and joking all the time has never relieved me of knowing I'm basically a sad person. :shrug:
Squiggy said:
:confused: I don't think you ever become something else through suppression. Acting happy and joking all the time has never relieved me of knowing I'm basically a sad person. :shrug:

tears of a clown syndrome? yes from what I hear the suicide level among "class clown" types is always higher then the general public. also true for comedians.
i am not sure that homosexuality can be considered hereditary, there is no evidence i have seen that particular people are carriers of a gene that makes their offspring homosexual. it appears to be more a random action of nature.
It's been a while since I've touched upon, much less written on, this time to catch up :)

Sexuality and sexual preference is a mental state. It's a reflection of what attracts you sexually. Wether you have access to your prefered partner(s) is irrelevant. It's the attraction that counts. For example...Gay priests. Many homosexual men become priests. The rules of certain religions restrict their clergy from having sexual relations. Gay priests cannot (read:should not) have matter what really attracts them. Does this make them any less gay? I doubt it.

If acting out sexually makes you automatically 'that way', then there are an awful lot of homosexuals in jail. "But...they don't ahve a choice..they're being raped" you say... how is that different form homosexuals repressed so far away from their feelings that they marry and have kids? They're being forced to become heterosexual...or rather act that way. Not exactly as violent as rape, but it's still being forced to act in a manner going against your natural instincts. Are the prisoners no longer heterosexual? Are the homosexuals who are married, or the prists any less gay?
Thulsa Doom said:
huh? so yer saying if a guy is attracted to other guys but hasnt done anything with other guys yet then he isnt gay? he only becomes gay when he actually does something sexually with another guy? what kind of logic is that. im sure theres tens of thousands of pedophiles (people who are attracted to pre-pubescent children) out there that never have and never will offend. but they are still pedophiles. just invisible ones. The question i was asking was if one of them suddenly says hey im a pedophile but i havent done anything well what do we do with them exactly? say ok thats fine? or rip them limb from limb as people have been suggesting above.

if the partner is 17 or 16 or 15 it can be a crime in a lot of places (where the age of consent is 18). theres your crime. when a 25 year old has sex with a 16 year old and they both love each other many many people would lump him in with the adult who abuses the 8 year old saying its both sick. theres your slope. theres LOTS of variations and possibilities here and do we lump them all under the same umbrella? "fucked a 17 year old you want to marry? go to jail!" your definition, if I think of killing someone, then I'm a murderer, whether I act upon that impulse or not. A paedophile, by definition, is a person who has sex with a child/children. Not a person who thinks about it. I don't think I'm the one with a problem about that definition. There is no slope if no laws are broken. No crime. Simple.