Thulsa Doom
New Member
Gato_Solo said:By definition, if he/she is non-offending, then he/she is not a pedophile.
huh? so yer saying if a guy is attracted to other guys but hasnt done anything with other guys yet then he isnt gay? he only becomes gay when he actually does something sexually with another guy? what kind of logic is that. im sure theres tens of thousands of pedophiles (people who are attracted to pre-pubescent children) out there that never have and never will offend. but they are still pedophiles. just invisible ones. The question i was asking was if one of them suddenly says hey im a pedophile but i havent done anything well what do we do with them exactly? say ok thats fine? or rip them limb from limb as people have been suggesting above.
One thing to think about...age of consent. If the partner is of age, then there is no crime. Where's the slope?
if the partner is 17 or 16 or 15 it can be a crime in a lot of places (where the age of consent is 18). theres your crime. when a 25 year old has sex with a 16 year old and they both love each other many many people would lump him in with the adult who abuses the 8 year old saying its both sick. theres your slope. theres LOTS of variations and possibilities here and do we lump them all under the same umbrella? "fucked a 17 year old you want to marry? go to jail!"