Palin-Biden? Has a nice ring to it, right?

Hello? Not really. Previously schools, thoroughfares, buildings, and warships have been named in honor of someone after they've actually done something.

Bullshit, if you're seriously trying to tell me that no school has ever been named after someone who has accomplished less than Obama than you haven't seen too many schools.

Let the issues be the issue:

That's what people did and that's why he was elected president. The majority of people didn't fall for the right wing scare tactics and votedon the issues. Your guy lost, you were wrong....repeatedly.

His start marks the end of the worst president in recent history...if not the worst ever. That in itself is worth naming a school after.
Ask yourself this. If he were not a black man would there be all this whining and gnashing of teeth? I am completely unable to convince myself so. He's the first black president elect, I think we can reasonably expect more things like this. As you point out it has nothing to do with "treating him like a god" but it's displaying ostrich-like behavior to try to convince yourself that race isn't involved.

In answer to your first question...I believe there would be by a few people. Always is a lot of whining and teeth-grinding when "your guy" loses. Just see 2000 and 2004 for reference. I, for one, find him emininently unqualified for the job, but the citizenry has spoken, so he's going to be my boss for the next 3 years and 2 months. I think the use of race is being used too often...unless you think that white folks voted for him so they wouldn't seem racist. ;)
My guess would be 40 points or higher for that one.

or maybe they just didn't want to vote for old grumpy and the dumbshit, so they felt they had no choice.

but, seriously, gonz, if you believe that, perhaps it's time for you to fill out your organ donor card.
or maybe they just didn't want to vote for old grumpy and the dumbshit, so they felt they had no choice.

The ticket was Obama/Biden...not Biden/Obama. ;)

2minkey said:
but, seriously, gonz, if you believe that, perhaps it's time for you to fill out your organ donor card.

When I first joined the military, all I had to do to make people 'kiss my ass' was to call them racist. Right or wrong on their part, they'd bend over backwards to prove it wasn't true. I was a right bastard for doing it, but it is something to consider no matter how ridiculous it sounds from the outset.
There's an awful lot of privacy behind those 'curtains' in the booth. What people say they vote for and what they actually vote for is pretty far apart.


well, except in this case where the election results largely mirrored pre-election polling done by the wacky, moonbat, disconnected from reality and biased as hell liberal media. hmmm. yep that "bias" really him home this time didn't it?

He spent SIX HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS & barely beat the grumpy old guy. The wacky, moonbat, disconnected from reality and biased as hell liberal media had him up by as much asd 15 points. Notice all the after election stories about how the media really was biased? Me too.
and the funny part is mccain's on-air arrogance and grumpiness, combined with palin's absurd accusations and moronic cheerleading did more for obama than that 600 million ever could.