Palin: I'd come out ahead in run against 0bama keep thinkin' that sunshine... and don't forget to support Palin for her 2012 run for the presidency. I'm wondering if sour grapes, when frozen in Alaska, will give you iced whine.
SHE stepped in???? Hardly. She was the reason that McCain made a race of it. Otherwise it would have been Bob Dole II.
McCain lost because he refused to do two very important things:

1. He wanted to run a "clean" campaign and wouldn't bring up the negatives haunting Obama like the birth certificate, the good reverend, the terrorist associations, etc.

2. He wouldn't turn Palin loose. He tried to keep her under control so she wouldn't violate number one above.
He lost because he was the inferior candidate and he brought a moron embarrassment on as VP.
McCain lost because he refused to do two very important things:

1. He wanted to run a "clean" campaign and wouldn't bring up the negatives haunting Obama like the birth certificate, the good reverend, the terrorist associations, etc.

2. He wouldn't turn Palin loose. He tried to keep her under control so she wouldn't violate number one above.

And that's admirable about the clean campaign. But then most guys on your side are incapable of winning on their own merits, so they need to smear the other guy to fool the people into voting against their best interest, that is except those of you stupid enough to do it anyway.
And yet McCain didn't run a clean campaign at all.

At least he tried to point out that Obama was not, in fact, a threat to America. To bad the message couldn't penetrate the incredibly thick, dense bone mass that some of our citizens attempt to use as brains.
At least he tried to point out that Obama was not, in fact, a threat to America. To bad the message couldn't penetrate the incredibly thick, dense bone mass that some of our citizens attempt to use as brains.

Most quixotic post of the night. :worship:
.......the incredibly thick, dense bone mass that some of our citizens attempt to use as brains.

Seriously. :rolleyes: At least.

FEMALE CALLER (31:50): He (Michael Jackson) is truly the soundtrack of my life. I also have a theory about Sarah Palin as well and I’m going to put it out there on radio, hopefully someone can investigate.

But, I think maybe she did something to Michael Jackson. Maybe there’s a scandal there. Maybe she’s stepping down because something’s about to come out. I don’t know, but I’m gonna just put it out there on your show so we’ll see.

SHARPTON: All right, thank you for your call, Ashley. That’s interesting. I’ll put it out, we’ll see. I don’t know.