Palin on originality and coherency

Jim! Just get some naked pictures of the woman and beat off, huh? Jesus Christ!
Her church has a regular guest pastor Palin really likes that hunts "witches" and then ruins their lives.

That was kinda funny for a minute unti you think about a modern day religious leader actually accusing someone of witchcraft and ruining their life.
sorry jim.

you need to convince me further.

need some non-edited/produced video of her discussing some issues outside of her backyard. keep digging.
sorry jim.

you need to convince me further.

need some non-edited/produced video of her discussing some issues outside of her backyard. keep digging.

Let's go back to what your original; premise was:

You ststed HERE

.. unable to put together a complete sentence.

To which you posted THIS video.

I then posted several videos of Obama which show him stuttering, stammering, and unable to "complete a sentence".

You countered with THIS:

obama's ability to put together a coherent thought is not what is being questioned. it's palin's. i'd love for you to collect a bunch of video clips of her sounding coherent, and saying things that are indicative of original thought. you roll out her best, and then let's pick her statements apart for clarity and coherence, originality, and reasoning, et cetera.

I have done that. Nowhere did you say that you wanted anything "issues outside of her backyard" so you have changed what you said to suit your own devices.

I did what you asked. I showed her making statements and speaking in complete sentences in an off-the-cuff manner. I also chose clips which show her before her choice as McCain's running mate because if I post any recent clips you will say that she is just doing and saying what her handlers demand of her.

In the meantime, your guy Obama keeps sttttttuttttttering and smmering, stammering, stammering uh, uh, ah, along and demonstrates daily that he cannot do what you demand of Palin.

Gotta go to work.
I have done that. Nowhere did you say that you wanted anything "issues outside of her backyard" so you have changed what you said to suit your own devices.

um, yeah. you know, jim, now that i've "finally" shown up (some of us sleep on occasion dude), and evaluated what you've provided, all you can do is claim foul. i doubt many others viewing this thread would be inclined to claim the same foul. neither my commentary nor my requests are unreasonable.

so, when you're able to show her in thoughtful and well-reasoned discussion about something BIG and outside of her backyard, you go right ahead and post that stuff. you know. economic issues. foreign policy. presidential type of stuff. not baseball, sunny days in alaska, and the exxon valdez. we can all talk about that kind of shit. i want a leader who understands the big questions, better than i do.

if she is the wonderful leader you claim she is, there should be no problem, right?

i can't wait until your shift ends and you can scurry back to "finally" answer these questions!