Palin on originality and coherency

so, when you're able to show her in thoughtful and well-reasoned discussion about something BIG...presidential type of stuff...

Just curious, what's the last speech you heard that filled that bill?
Just curious, what's the last speech you heard that filled that bill?

there's no particular moment that sticks in my mind but i'll be happy to dig for examples if you care.

obama is too far left on many issues but at least he's coherent on big issues. most of what i've heard colin powell say has been right-on and well thought out. i'll even give condi due credit, even though i think for a while she functioned as a cheerleader for some pretty lame bush policies. jennifer granholm has a decent brain on her. arlen spector typically says smart things about big issues. carl levin is pretty smart, though lately he's been a little weasely.
jim? where are you? i'm so lonely here.

When someone posts at 9:45 AM that they are on their way to work, even the addle minded have the capacity to realize that they likely start at 10:00. That means that they won't be getting off until 7PM so your post at 4:56 will go unanswered until they can drive home, kiss the wife, cook and eat dinner and finally get some free time to hold your hand and stroke your ego at 8:50.
so, when you're able to show her in thoughtful and well-reasoned discussion about something BIG and outside of her backyard, you go right ahead and post that stuff. you know. economic issues. foreign policy. presidential type of stuff. not baseball, sunny days in alaska, and the exxon valdez. we can all talk about that kind of shit. i want a leader who understands the big questions, better than i do.

The fact is that you cannot post your own governor of your state doingf what you demand of Palin.
Your governor is going to talk about what is going on in your backyard. They are not going to be talking about what is happening in Waziristan. They are not going to be talking about federal and world issues as you demand of Palin.

You demanded that I show you any videos of her speaking in complete coherent sentences and I did so. I showed you clips of her speaking coherently and in complete sentences, off the cuff, in the most difficult of situations. Your boy Obama can't do that.

Now it becomes show me clips of her speaking about big things. Well I did. In her state, as their governor, energy and resources ARE big things. You just don't want to admit that you are unable to back up what you said about her inability to speak coherently in complete sentences.

I shall now try to find something which will finally satisfy your needs although everyone here knows that those needs cannot ever be filled. You hate her so much that she could find the cure for breast cancer and you would call her a bitch for failing to find a cure for prostate cancer.

Right now, I'm going to watch a movie with my Honey so I won't be back until about 11PM MST.
The movie won't start for a while so here goes.

By the by, you stated in your challenge:

you roll out her best, and then let's pick her statements apart for clarity and coherence, originality, and reasoning, et cetera.

You have yet to do that with any of the clips I posted. So, when do you think you might wanna start?

Anything on clarity?

Anything on coherence?

Anything on originality?

Anything on reasoning?


Have you seen the Michigan economy since she took over? This started long before the gas price spike.

yeah, but that's not really her fault. a zillion differnet things in play there. oh, yeah, and the big three, two of whom barely have a right to exist (and the third has none) at this point. blame her for the mich economy, and you gotta give klinton credit for the swingin' 90s! yeah. and we both know that ain't right.

i actually have some respect for her in that she admitted she was quite wrong on the whole shall-issue CCW thing. she, as a typical canadian, was convinced it would cause a spike in violence. it didn't. she acknowledged it publicy. kinda cool.
thank god you finally showed up jim! i was worried about you .

When someone posts at 9:45 AM that they are on their way to work, even the addle minded have the capacity to realize that they likely start at 10:00. That means that they won't be getting off until 7PM so your post at 4:56 will go unanswered until they can drive home, kiss the wife, cook and eat dinner and finally get some free time to hold your hand and stroke your ego at 8:50.

Palin in the November 2, 2006 governor's debate before she became the VP candidate.

She speaks on Gay Marriage and same sex benefits. Is that "big"?

She speaks on abortion. Is that "big"?

She speaks on doctor assisted suicide. Is that "big"?

jesus tells her what to say. stock material. yawn. please see footage of couric interview in other thread where sarah drools all over herself.

oh, and jim, i could give a fuck about "my own governor" and whether or not she could address big issues. she ain't running for veep, and i don't really like her anyway. and, um, the governor does not a finger on 'the button' despite what palin's campaign is claiming about her commanding the alaska national guard. the stakes are much smaller in a gubernatorial role. and maybe sarah can do the governor thing just fine. but likely like not assume the big chair when grumpy mcgrumpstick croaks.
Here is the full one hour and twenty three minute debate from November 2, 2006.

Plenty of subjects and unscripted. Just what the minkey ordered.

You watch the debate. I've seen it. I'm going to sleep.

she does okay in answering some questions, but again jim, when are you going to let her out of her little alaska world of long-discussed backyard and family/morality type crap like same-sex-marriage where there's stock footage aplenty provided by her overlord jebus?

well, there is some footage of that. it's in another thread here. i think you know where to find it. she simply does not do well. she's not ready to assume the office of president. no rational person could possibly believe she is having watched those interviews.
As vice president she would be largely useless window dressing.
As president she would be horrifying.
It's a necessary consideration.
If they made it to office and Obama keeled over from a cigarette induced heart attack, and shortly after Biden suffered another aneurism that left him incapacitated, you know who is next in line:
