Palin on originality and coherency

Since Palin can't even handle Katie Couric it looks like Biden will eat her for lunch.

it's a near certainty that we, not cerise, will be laughing our asses off next thursday evening.

then again, considering that palin could take a shit, roll it up in some seaweed and serve it with chopsticks, soy sauce, and wasabi, and cerise would declare it the best sushi in north america, who knows who will be laughing, who will be rolling on the floor speaking in tongues, whatever....
nope. just my way of saying that you, like jim, are so in love with palin that no matter what she did, you'd think it was the greatest thing ever. they could have her on camera killing and eating babies and you'd go to your grave swearing it was a "doctored" video and that saint sarah never coulda dunnit.
You have mistaken her for Hillary.....

blame her for the mich economy, and you gotta give klinton credit for the swingin' 90s! yeah. and we both know that ain't right.

A governor has more affect on a local economy than a President has on a national one. Case in point, Mitch Daniels, here. He said what he's do. he did it & economy is doing as weell as can be expected (plus we have a surplus)
Alaska has a surplus and the government gives it back to the citizens of the state. Folks here are afraid that if Palin were to actually get into the VP or even P role that she would start doing the same thing on a national leverl. That would take away all of those precious dollars that would be used for everything from socialized health care to holding some armless wino's dick while he takes a piss.
Gee, and here I thought that I would "roll out her best, and then [we would] pick her statements apart for clarity and coherence, originality, and reasoning, et cetera." Amazing how deafening the silence can be when one rises to the challenge.

Anything on clarity? ... Anyone?

Anything on coherence? ... Anyone?

Anything on originality? ... Anyone?

Anything on reasoning? ... Anyone?


Gee, and here I thought that I would "roll out her best, and then [we would] pick her statements apart for clarity and coherence, originality, and reasoning, et cetera." Amazing how deafening the silence can be when one rises to the challenge.

Anything on clarity? ... Anyone?

Anything on coherence? ... Anyone?

Anything on originality? ... Anyone?

Anything on reasoning? ... Anyone?



yep, i think you just talked yourself into another small victory here. congrats!
Gee, and here I thought that I would "roll out her best, and then [we would] pick her statements apart for clarity and coherence, originality, and reasoning, et cetera." Amazing how deafening the silence can be when one rises to the challenge.

Anything on clarity? ... Anyone?

Anything on coherence? ... Anyone?

Anything on originality? ... Anyone?

Anything on reasoning? ... Anyone?



yep, i think you just talked yourself into another small victory here. congrats!

So you asked me for material to critique; I gave you that material; and you refuse to critique it at all. Don't offer up any more challenges if you aren't going to follow through with what you have clearly stated you will.

And, yes, by refusing to follow through you have conceded defeat of the debate. I accept your congratulations.
did you miss all the responses i posted about those videos? whose fault is it that there's not much inspiring in those clips? i'm sure we could get some dude that works in a metal shop to explain just the right amount of oil to put on something when it's about to be drilled out or whatever, but that don;t mean he should be president. palin may know the pipeline real good but that doesn't male her presidential material, because she can't even keep up with little ole katie couric. oh, but, hey, what could we expect form her there what with all the pressure and the evil demon liberal press breating down her poor little neck? OMG the pressure!!!!
Nice sig line, Minkey. Too bad it is not accurate. The author from which you got that added and deleted words.

(omitted) You know, I’m not looking at poll numbers. What I think Americans at the end of the day are going to be able to go back and look at track records and see who’s more apt to (omitted) just be talking about solutions and wishing for and hoping for (added) solutions for some opportunity to change, and who’s actually done it?”

Sounds pretty bad when posted as a run-on sentence with some words added and others missing completely. So what happens when this statement -- the entire, accurate statement -- is actually parsed for punctuation. Yes, she rushes the statement but her meaning is clear.

“You know, I’m not looking at poll numbers. What I think Americans, at the end of the day, are going to be able to go back and look at -- track records -- and see ... who’s ... who's more apt to just be talking about solutions -- and wishing for, and hoping for some opportunity to change -- and who’s actually done it?”

Listen to the MP3 file attached.
did you miss all the responses i posted about those videos? whose fault is it that there's not much inspiring in those clips? i'm sure we could get some dude that works in a metal shop to explain just the right amount of oil to put on something when it's about to be drilled out or whatever, but that don;t mean he should be president. palin may know the pipeline real good but that doesn't male her presidential material, because she can't even keep up with little ole katie couric. oh, but, hey, what could we expect form her there what with all the pressure and the evil demon liberal press breating down her poor little neck? OMG the pressure!!!!

Your responses were not worth shit. You said:

you need to convince me further.

need some non-edited/produced video of her discussing some issues outside of her backyard. keep digging.

I gave you that and you promptly did a squat-n-pee. An hour and twenty three minutes of "non-edited/produced video" per your request (a one on two debate from 2006) and you haven't made a single statement.

You changed the ground rules from what you originally posted "you roll out her best, and then let's pick her statements apart for clarity and coherence, originality, and reasoning, et cetera" to "her discussing some issues outside of her backyard".

The debate is not in flux at your whim. You set the rules and then you changed them when you were backed into corner. I gave you what you demanded and you couldn't handle it because it proved your original statement "... unable to put together a complete sentence" to be blatantly false.
jim, what we have here is a genuine difference of opinion. and the "not worth shit" type of crap in your condescending posts is just getting old. did you have a bad day? okay, fine, don't take it out on me.

anyway, i still have not seen anything that leads me to believe anything about palin i didn't already. i'm sorry if you don't scrutinize things using the same criteria i do. you just go ahead and feel all puffed up with your vicory here, for it will not be long before the winds of change blow, and the comeuppance will find a restful home. yep, right where you didn't think you'd find it. it's all about the biology jim. the biology is a very powerful lantern to illuminate your secret innermost thoughts to you, what has been obvious to all of us.

jim, what we have here is a genuine difference of opinion. and the "not worth shit" type of crap in your condescending posts is just getting old. did you have a bad day? okay, fine, don't take it out on me.

I didn't have a bad day. What I did have was a shitload of disappointment in you. You are smart and you come across very well when you try; and that is the point -- when you try. You presented a challenge and then reneged on what you agreed we would do. You came back with a bunch of one liners about the clips I initially posted and then ignored the 1:23 debate she participated in against two men, one of which is a popular former governor.

You want me to get you what doesn't exist as there is nothing of her speaking to issues outside of her state; because what would she be doing that for? The only thing currently available that might even start to satisfy you would be dismissed as her handlers coaching her. You are not going to find anything on most governors speaking on issues outside of their "back yard".

You stated that we would debate her "clarity and coherence, originality, and reasoning". We have yet to do so because you have yet to respond in that vein.

By the way, I would not deign to try to change your opinion. What I would do is to belie your broad statement that she cannot "put together a complete sentence". That IS what this was all about.

anyway, i still have not seen anything that leads me to believe anything about palin i didn't already. i'm sorry if you don't scrutinize things using the same criteria i do. you just go ahead and feel all puffed up with your vicory here, for it will not be long before the winds of change blow, and the comeuppance will find a restful home. yep, right where you didn't think you'd find it. it's all about the biology jim. the biology is a very powerful lantern to illuminate your secret innermost thoughts to you, what has been obvious to all of us.

Speaking of clarity and coherence; what the hell was that?
oh jim. you obviosly haven not taken the most basic courses in biology if you don't get the analogy. oh well. i don't have the energy to explain it to you. or to battle it out about whatever webster's says the definition of this word or that word means. i just wish you could get outside that ideological cage you've built for yourself. so much wasted potential.
