Palin releases all of her e-mails and documents in the "Troopergate" mess

read: only those emails and documents deemed pertinent to the Troopergate scandal.

The main issue of using a personal email for bizness when she's not allowed to do so, is more what interests me.

and deemed pertinent by sarah slugtrail, at that.
One can't help but wonder

a) If there's nothing hidden (or nothing to hide) why did it take so long?

b) If there's anything to it why hasn't it come to light by now?

Once again, a very effective obfuscation of the actual issues which was clearly the original and is the continuing intent.
right now there is no proof of anything, gato, but you realize what you're asking for is essentially proof of an absence, right? the only thing certain is that the source of the released info is the palin regime, and given the tendency of the same toward secrecy one would not reasonably expect they would release everything, kinda as chcr points out. but hey, if you're willing to take a politician at their word, you go right ahead! :worm:
um, yeah, great observation.

i'm just wondering what jim's citing when he says "all email." not a lot to ask.

oh, wait, maybe we don't have them all? perhaps that's why the yahoo accounts are relevant?

just waiting for confirmation. because without it, the thread title is trying to say "case closed" and it sure as fuck ain't!


I'm sure that if you write her and ask to go through all of her e-mails and select the ones you deem relevant that she would send a plane right down to get you and fly you up there to do that. After all,what would she know about the relevance of the e-mails that you don't?
it would be great if a disinterested party could review and decide what is relevant.

right now, it's like asking a defense attorney in a criminal trial what evidence a DA may bring into the court against his or her client.

of course, you're fine with whatever palin feels like releasing, since you're in love with her.
That's right. insidious sleazy attacks should only be directed at Dems huh Jimbo? :laugh:

Palin likes SNL, although she says she watches it with the sound off like some mental case.
right now there is no proof of anything, gato, but you realize what you're asking for is essentially proof of an absence, right? the only thing certain is that the source of the released info is the palin regime, and given the tendency of the same toward secrecy one would not reasonably expect they would release everything, kinda as chcr points out. but hey, if you're willing to take a politician at their word, you go right ahead! :worm:

Never said I'd take a politician at their word. That's like going to the zoo and petting the tiger. You ARE going to regret it. The point I'm trying to make is long as there is an emotional response to make your case that much weaker. I can shout from the roof-tops all day about the corruption of government and the only thing I'd get as a result is public scorn...or, worse, a trip to the local hoosegow. Your first sentence says it all, though. No proof, no story. Just 'shouting from the rooftops', as it were.

BTW...there is no such thing as 'proof of an absence'. There is always something left behind...even if its 18 minutes of silence on a tape...

Like father, like son.

According to some great online detective work today, it seems SoetorObama supporter Mike Kernell, Democrat state representative from Tennessee (and active member of SoetorObama’s Tennessee campaign), confirmed his son David Kernell, student at University of Tennessee-Knoxville, hacked into Sarah Palin’s yahoo email account to help SoetorObama’s struggling campaign.

Kernell hoped to find political information he could pass to the SoetorObama camp, or anything he could embarrass Palin with by posting all over the Internet. It was his intent to neutralize Palin or force her off the ticket by finding damaging personal information that would win the election for SoetorObama.

Hate to break this to the father-and-son Kernell gang, but ain’t nothing gonna win this election for SoetorObama. You can hack into every yahoo account from Maine to Alaska, and he’ll still come up short on November 4th.

Clever boys with doe-eyes and Boticelli curls do really well serving 1-4 years in federal prison for cybercrimes, we hear.


Never said I'd take a politician at their word. That's like going to the zoo and petting the tiger. You ARE going to regret it. The point I'm trying to make is long as there is an emotional response to make your case that much weaker. I can shout from the roof-tops all day about the corruption of government and the only thing I'd get as a result is public scorn...or, worse, a trip to the local hoosegow. Your first sentence says it all, though. No proof, no story. Just 'shouting from the rooftops', as it were.

BTW...there is no such thing as 'proof of an absence'. There is always something left behind...even if its 18 minutes of silence on a tape...

yup, like seven minutes sitting there dumbfounded!

it would be great if a disinterested party could review and decide what is relevant.

right now, it's like asking a defense attorney in a criminal trial what evidence a DA may bring into the court against his or her client.

you going to address this jim? can you explain to us how this is not a fitting analogy?