Palin Response to 0bama Speech


Well-Known Member
After all the rhetoric is put aside, one principle ran through President Obama’s speech tonight: that increased government involvement in health care can solve its problems.

Many Americans fundamentally disagree with this idea. We know from long experience that the creation of a massive new bureaucracy will not provide us with “more stability and security,” but just the opposite. It's hard to believe the President when he says that this time he and his team of bureaucrats have finally figured out how to do things right if only we’ll take them at their word.

Our objections to the Democrats’ health care proposals are not mere “bickering” or “games.” They are not an attempt to “score short term political points.” And it’s hard to listen to the President lecture us not to use “scare tactics” when in the next breath he says that “more will die” if his proposals do not pass.

In his speech the President directly responded to concerns I’ve raised about unelected bureaucrats being given power to make decisions affecting life or death health care matters. He called these concerns “bogus,” “irresponsible,” and “a lie” -- so much for civility. After all the name-calling, though, what he did not do is respond to the arguments we’ve made, arguments even some of his own supporters have agreed have merit.

In fact, after promising to “make sure that no government bureaucrat .... gets between you and the health care you need,” the President repeated his call for an Independent Medicare Advisory Council -- an unelected, largely unaccountable group of bureaucrats charged with containing Medicare costs. He did not disavow his own statement that such a group, working outside of “normal political channels,” should guide decisions regarding that “huge driver of cost ... the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives....” He did not disavow the statements of his health care advisor, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, and continuing to pay his salary with taxpayer dollars proves a commitment to his beliefs. The President can keep making unsupported assertions, but until he directly responds to the arguments I’ve made, I’m going to call him out too.

It was heartening to hear the President finally recognize that tort reform is an important part of any solution. But this concession shouldn’t lead us to take our eye off the ball: the Democrats’ proposals will not reduce costs, and they will not deliver better health care. It’s this kind of “healthy skepticism of government” that truly reflects a “concern and regard for the plight of others.” We can’t wait to hear the details on that; we look forward to working with you on tort reform.

Finally, President Obama delivered an offhand applause line tonight about the cost of the War on Terror. As we approach the anniversary of the September 11th attacks and honor those who died that day and those who have died since in the War on Terror, in order to secure our freedoms, we need to remember their sacrifices and not demonize them as having had too high a price tag.

Remember, Mr. President, elected officials work for the people. Forcing a conclusion in order to claim a “victory” is not healthy for our country. We hear you say government isn’t always the answer; now hear us -- that’s what we’ve been saying all along.

- Sarah Palin

He called her out, she fired back! It's on!
Well...her plan certainly won't help.
Every non partisan organization that has looked at her claims say they are false. And the ideas in her op-ed are both scary and risky. Eliminating Medicare and giving our seniors vouchers instead is a bad idea that we shouldn't adopt.

She didn't fire back..she obfuscated back.
Correct me if I'm wrong here..but this is the woman who's best idea for health care included sending everyone a check for $5,000 per year so that they could buy their own health insurance and repealing the tax incentive for companies to help cover their employees' insurance.

So... make the companies think twice about covering their employees (They'd outright cancel all policies), and force people to go for the cheapest bare-bones insurance they can find paid for by TAX MONEY.
The woman is a stupid, ignorant, idiotic, moron of a hick-ass bufoon with no answers at all! Anyone who takes her seriosly is much if not all of the above. You fucking cons talk about "liberals" only attacking cons and not offerring solutions, and she does that exactly that, and you praise her?!? Worthless bunch of shit, and you ALL know it!
Sarah Palin falsely claims Barack Obama runs a 'death panel'

Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska, urged her supporters to oppose Democratic plans for health care reform on her Facebook page.

"As more Americans delve into the disturbing details of the nationalized health care plan that the current administration is rushing through Congress, our collective jaw is dropping, and we’re saying not just no, but hell no!" wrote Palin in a note posted Aug. 7, 2009.

She said that the Democrats plan to reduce health care costs by simply refusing to pay for care.

"And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil."

We agree with Palin that such a system would be evil. But it's definitely not what President Barack Obama or any other Democrat has proposed.

We have read all 1,000-plus pages of the Democratic bill and examined versions in various committees. There is no panel in any version of the health care bills in Congress that judges a person's "level of productivity in society" to determine whether they are "worthy" of health care.

Palin's claim sounds a little like another statement making the rounds, which says that health care reform would mandate counseling for seniors on how to end their lives sooner. We rated this claim Pants on Fire! The truth is that the health bill allows Medicare, for the first time, to pay for doctors' appointments for patients to discuss living wills and other end-of-life issues with their physicians. These types of appointments are completely optional, and AARP supports the measure.

Palin also may have also jumped to conclusions about the Obama administration's efforts to promote comparative effectiveness research. Such research has nothing to do with evaluating patients for "worthiness." Rather, comparative effectiveness research finds out which treatments work better than others.

The health reform bill being considered in the House of Representatives says that a Comparative Effectiveness Research Center shall "conduct, support, and synthesize research" that looks at "outcomes, effectiveness, and appropriateness of health care services and procedures in order to identify the manner in which diseases, disorders, and other health conditions can most effectively and appropriately be prevented, diagnosed, treated, and managed clinically."

The idea here, which Obama and his budget director Peter Orszag have discussed many times, is to make it easier for doctors, health care workers, insurance companies and patients to find out which treatments are the most effective, as determined by clinical studies and other research.

Obama has said he believes a comparative effectiveness commission should advise health care workers, not require them to follow certain treatments.

"I actually think that most doctors want to do right by their patients. And if they’ve got good information, I think they will act on that good information," Obama said during an interview with the New York Times on April 28, 2009.

He also specifically addressed end-of-life care for seniors, discussing the last week of his grandmother's life in 2008, and how her family and doctors decided on treatment for her.

"It is very difficult to imagine the country making those decisions just through the normal political channels," Obama said. "And that's part of why you have to have some independent group that can give you guidance. It's not determinative, but I think has to be able to give you some guidance. And that's part of what I suspect you'll see emerging out of the various health care conversations that are taking place on the Hill right now."

And in fact, the House bill states in the section creating the Comparative Effectiveness Research Center and an oversight commission, "Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the Commission or the Center to mandate coverage, reimbursement, or other policies for any public or private payer." In other words, comparative effectiveness research will tell you whether treatment A is better than treatment B. But the bill as written won't mandate which treatment doctors and patients have to select.

Palin's statement seems extreme, but other Republicans, like Newt Gingrich, are backing her up. "You're asking us to trust turning power over to the government, when there clearly are people in America who believe in establishing euthanasia, including selective standards," Gingrich said in an interview on This Week with George Stephanopolous on Aug. 9, 2009.

We've looked at the inflammatory claims that the health care bill encourages euthanasia. It doesn't. There's certainly no "death board" that determines the worthiness of individuals to receive care. Conservatives might make a case that Palin is justified in fearing that the current reform could one day morph into such a board.

But that's not what Palin said. She said that the Democratic plan will ration care and "my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care." Palin's statement sounds more like a science fiction movie (Soylent Green, anyone?) than part of an actual bill before Congress. We rate her statement Pants on Fire!
Bold is mine ~deBish

big government fear-mongering is all she got.

but obviously there are folks out there ig'nant enough to believe that a government bureaucracy could any be less efficient that the existing bureaucracies inside health insurers.

they've obviously never had to use their health insurance.

"yes, i'm calling to discuss the twelve bills you've sent since i already paid you. no, i'm not sending you more money..."

but i have to give sarah credit here. she's repeating the chants that are known to be effective on her fraidy-cat conservative base. mention big government, commies, foreigner terrorists... it's all good...
...taxes, paying for other people...all she needs to do now is bring in the topic of France and she'll have pressed all the buttons.
That's right Gonz FEEL the hate, but feel it for the philosophy, not the people. I really wish her to be blessed with all I want for myself. That is seeking to live a benevolent existence, and gather wisdom and enlightenment on the way. If there are any such thing as "old souls", she is an INFANT cosmically!

I feel the hatred off of you on almost a daily basis. I do not know if yours is against a philosophy, or particular people, or both, but I have my suspicions which are nobody's business but my own!
so what does him being a liberal have to do with him feeling gonz's hatred, and why the fuck is he posting about gonz in this thread, anyway?
That's right Gonz FEEL the hate, but feel it for the philosophy, not the people.

The woman is a stupid, ignorant, idiotic, moron of a hick-ass bufoon with no answers at all! Anyone who takes her seriosly is much if not all of the above. You fucking cons talk about "liberals" only attacking cons and not offerring solutions, and she does that exactly that, and you praise her?!? Worthless bunch of shit, and you ALL know it!

Get back on your meds.

Hatemongering is not becoming.
Get back on your meds.

Hatemongering is not becoming.

It isn't becoming on you either and shut the fuck up about my meds It is none of your fucking business and that is a personal attack, period and point blank!

FYI to anyone this may be helpful to I recently started on Lamotrigine, (brand name Lamictal) and it is supposedly a bipolar wonder drug! For me it seems to be, thank you so much for your concern? Is it concern? I suppose it could be, in the nastiest way possible.

I am just feeling a moment of clarity, due to my 12th step program and feeling very passionate about my convictions today. As if I need to explain to anyone. That's OK I don't mind explaining to anyone who actually cares to hear it.....
Everyone is hypocritical to some degree. The trick is to do your best not to be....

I don't see many politicians trying at all. Even Obama's altruism, if he posses any is likely based in other motives. None of my business but it is oh so fun to speculate.
gee mark i was just kidding with my "mark's gone manic again" comment in that other thread. i guess i figured you were just kind of a spaz, like my uncle that lives in omaha. he's an asshole. not saying you're an asshole. i just like to mention that every time i mention him. anyway, didn't realize you were actually on meds for bipolar or whatever they're calling that shit these days. sure am sorry if i poked an exposed fleshy part. thanks for sharing.
gee mark i was just kidding with my "mark's gone manic again" comment in that other thread. i guess i figured you were just kind of a spaz, like my uncle that lives in omaha. he's an asshole. not saying you're an asshole. i just like to mention that every time i mention him. anyway, didn't realize you were actually on meds for bipolar or whatever they're calling that shit these days. sure am sorry if i poked an exposed fleshy part. thanks for sharing.

Oh I figured that mink. I only made that comment about Gonz's reference to my meds. It is awfully arrogant to make assumptions and it FELT like an insult to me....

Though I have mentioned my Bipolar 1 disorder and even my meds before. That is why I was snippy....