Parallel Universe


molṑn labé
Staff member
That is where we've slipped. There is no other logical explanation.

NEW YORK - Touting tofu chowder and vegetarian sushi as alternatives, animal-rights activists have launched a novel campaign arguing that fish — contrary to stereotype — are intelligent, sensitive animals no more deserving of being eaten than a pet dog or cat.

Called the Fish Empathy Project, the campaign reflects a strategy shift by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals as it challenges a diet component widely viewed as nutritious and uncontroversial.

Goddamnit I love sushi. I am not giving it up because they dont like it. Hell humans were made to eat meat.
freako104 said:
Hell humans were made to eat meat.

Yeah,but the old saying is "If god hadn't wanted man to eat animals ,he wouldn't have made them out of meat." Then the saying for this would be "If god had wanted us to eat seafood he wouldn't have made them smell like fish" :eek5:
freako104 said:
Goddamnit I love sushi. I am not giving it up because they dont like it. Hell humans were made to eat meat.

Humans were made to eat what's available. Useful survival trait, that. Meat and fish are (supposedly) different but I eat 'em both. Don't like sushi though.
to me they are the same in that both were animals. I do not advocate killing however I do want to survive.
All I know is, back when I was a vegetarian, eating fish was certainly frowned upon. I didn't realize PETA was just now catching on to that way of thinking.

BTW, I'm no longer a vegetarian. Eat plenty of meat. ;)
freako104 said:
how so? I am not out there killing. Plus certian animals would kill to eat. I dont. It is brought to me. I have never even hunted.

Careful there, freako...that is even more hypocritical. If you don't like killing, but enjoy the effects of someone else doing it for you, doesn't that make you even worse? ;)

As for PETA...they can just kiss my diddly. I'll eat what I want, be it animal, vegetable, or mineral, and they can't do a damned thing to stop me.
Gato_Solo said:
Careful there, freako...that is even more hypocritical. If you don't like killing, but enjoy the effects of someone else doing it for you, doesn't that make you even worse? ;)

As for PETA...they can just kiss my diddly. I'll eat what I want, be it animal, vegetable, or mineral, and they can't do a damned thing to stop me.
Exackery....we don't have these nice canine teeth for (pardon the graphicness) ripping the throats out of carrots now do we?
fish are *snip* animals no more deserving of being eaten than a pet dog or cat.

They're right. However, that means that dogs and cats are fair game, not that fish should be exempt. Dogs and cats are a staple in many areas of the world. Tasty, too, from what I understand.
you know...there are 3 places that i feel i should have my own say over. my bedroom, my uterus, and my dinner plate.
do what you want and leave me the heck out of it.
Gato_Solo said:
Careful there, freako...that is even more hypocritical. If you don't like killing, but enjoy the effects of someone else doing it for you, doesn't that make you even worse? ;)

As for PETA...they can just kiss my diddly. I'll eat what I want, be it animal, vegetable, or mineral, and they can't do a damned thing to stop me.

? So because I choose to survive I am a hypocrite?Our teeth were meant to eat meat. So I will eat meat to survive. I dont see how it makes me worse. I am not the one killing. If I was I would say a prayer for that which I killed
freako104 said:
? So because I choose to survive I am a hypocrite?Our teeth were meant to eat meat. So I will eat meat to survive. I dont see how it makes me worse. I am not the one killing. If I was I would say a prayer for that which I killed

It's not your stance on survival that got you the red flag...

If you eat the meat, you are responsible for the killing. By saying that 'you didn't kill it yourself, you try to minimize your impact...thus that type of statement is hypocritical. If you would have said that you eat meat, and you only desire that it be killed humanely, then there would be no issue. ;)
I wonder what the Fishetarians think of all this. Fish have that lovely Omega-3 thing going for them...great for the heart and colesterol etc etc...

frankly...we should eat more fish and less red-meat.
Gato_Solo said:
It's not your stance on survival that got you the red flag...

If you eat the meat, you are responsible for the killing. By saying that 'you didn't kill it yourself, you try to minimize your impact...thus that type of statement is hypocritical. If you would have said that you eat meat, and you only desire that it be killed humanely, then there would be no issue. ;)

who said I dont desire it? But can something really be killed in a humane fashion?
freako104 said:
who said I dont desire it? But can something really be killed in a humane fashion?

Actually, yes. I'd rather take a bullet to the head than get mowed down by a sickle like our poor plant bretheren, though... :grumpy:...those vegans are some of the most cruel people in the world... :sad: