Pathetic "Comedian" Fixates On Sex With Teen Girl, Audience Delighted

Re: Pathetic Palin Fixates On Sex With her Teen, Audience is shocked at her depravit

the joke was about the fourteen-year-old daughter,

and sexualizing a 14'er is a problem for you why? seriously jim, you've argued long and hard about the rights of them fundamentalist LDS kiddie rapists.

not the eighteen-year-old daughter who has already "squeezed out a bastard", to use your words.

yeah didn't fall far from the tree did she?:rofl2:
Re: Pathetic Palin Fixates On Sex With her Teen, Audience is shocked at her depravit

And what you're saying is that Letterman knew which daughter was at the game and her age (or rather, his writers did) before they wrote the joke that he delivered?


If the writer knew the writer.


If the writer wasn't sure which daughter it was at the game, but wrote the joke anyway... fire the writer?


You missed the part about the show's host and producer, David Letterman -- he owns Worldwide Pants, Inc. -- blindly reading what is placed before him. Does he have absolutely no editorial control within his own corporation whatsoever?

Are we actually supposed to believe that? Do you believe that?
Re: Pathetic Palin Fixates On Sex With her Teen, Audience is shocked at her depravit

You missed the part about the show's host and producer, David Letterman -- he owns Worldwide Pants, Inc. -- blindly reading what is placed before him. Does he have absolutely no editorial control within his own corporation whatsoever?

Are we actually supposed to believe that? Do you believe that?
I don't watch tv...So I certainly don't watch Letterman. I don't know how much effort, if any, he puts into vetting his jokes before they go on the air.

You just said 'blindly reading what's put in front of him'...I don't believe that you're the first to say so...even in this thread. Something about Letterman not being able to write his own jokes and the writers' strike shutting him down.

So... in your opinion, did he even bother vetting the joke?
Pathetic Palin Fixates On Sex between her Teen Girl and older man, Audience shocked

Jim, really... just because you say the joke was about the 14 year old having sex with an older man, does not make it the truth. Letterman has already said on air that the joke was NOT about the 14 year old but about the adult daughter.

I mean, come on... the joke doesn't even make sense if it's about the 14 year old. The joke is about Palin's sexually promiscuous, adult daughter getting knocked up AGAIN. This is all a way for Palin to keep her fading name fresh in the public. And you are feeding that free publicity for her.

Furthermore, given the family background, I'm not convinced that Palin would be shocked at all to find that her 14 year old wasn't attempting to emulate her older sister, who was knocked up while still a minor. :shrug: I think all that "shock and disgust" are faked. I don't think she'd even be fazed.
ultimately it doesn't even matter which daughter it's about. it's a joke about a "familiy values" preaching family that in a behavioral sense appears unable to enforce those values upon itself.
ultimately it doesn't even matter which daughter it's about. it's a joke about a "familiy values" preaching family that in a behavioral sense appears unable to enforce those values upon itself.
I thought it was hilarious how the guy who knocked the oldest daughter up was pushed into doin' the right thing by her, got engaged and they had this wedding planned until Palin lost in the election. Soon after, the boy decided to do the smart thing and get out of that forced commitment. I don't blame him for running. But as a side note: I hope he is financially fulfilling his commitment to his offspring, and I hope that he has learned a little something about birth control.
Try reading for comprehension, would you? Millie was the dog going out from the previous administration.

That wouldn't make any sense in the context of what he said. So that would mean you are either stupid or playing stupid.
I think it is the libruls who are afeared of her and keep putting her back in the news.

Afraid of Sarah Palin? :rofl: :rofl: NAH!! Us liberals would much rather she stayed in Alaska. But Sarah Palin chooses to pop up here and there making speeches and using her children to benefit her cause. If Sarah wants to end this silly debate, she should leave the kiddies at home, but she doesn't and therein lies the problem. Palin wants it both ways. She wants to use her kids as props, attention getters for her personal aspirations, which opens the door to let detractors talk about them. Palin gets what she deserves.

Maybe take a lesson from the Clinton's and Obama's; they keep their children out of the spotlight as much as possible thereby eliminating the possibility of becoming targets for stupid comments.

Letterman was out of line for making a bad joke and he apologized. Not a sincere apology in my estimation but an apology nonetheless. Yet Sarah Palin keeps fanning the flames, continues to bring her children into the discussion and continues to try to make political hay out of this tawdry affair. From the day Letterman apologized, the weight of this was placed on Palin's shoulders. She should decide to either shut up, leave the kiddies at home or quit bringing the topic up again, and again and again and again and again and again. One might have thought Palin had learned from this but apparently she hasn't and therein lies the reason liberals are unafraid of her. She's to dim to see the weight has shifted and she has now made herself the problem.
Keep it cool guys, attack the post not the poster. You know who you are 'cause you received an infraction. This is only a warning, for now.
Palin wasn't using her child, she only took her to a baseball game. :shrug:

Letterman is sorry about is how people took his "joke"... he’s not sorry he delivered it:

Letterman: "I had no idea Willow was there"

All right, here – I’ve been thinking about this situation with Governor Palin and her family now for about a week – it was a week ago tonight, and maybe you know about it, maybe you don’t know about it. But there was a joke that I told, and I thought I was telling it about the older daughter being at Yankee Stadium. And it was kind of a coarse joke. There’s no getting around it, but I never thought it was anybody other than the older daughter, and before the show, I checked to make sure in fact that she is of legal age, 18. Yeah. But the joke really, in and of itself, can’t be defended. The next day, people are outraged. They’re angry at me because they said, ‘How could you make a lousy joke like that about the 14-year-old girl who was at the ball game?’ And I had, honestly, no idea that the 14-year-old girl, I had no idea that anybody was at the ball game except the governor and I was told at the time she was there with Rudy Giuliani......

Rape is never a joking matter, no matter the age.

He needs to reconsider how he views the feminine gender.
Re: Pathetic Palin Fixates On Sex With her Teen, Audience is shocked at her depravit

I don't watch tv...So I certainly don't watch Letterman. I don't know how much effort, if any, he puts into vetting his jokes before they go on the air.

You just said 'blindly reading what's put in front of him'...I don't believe that you're the first to say so...even in this thread. Something about Letterman not being able to write his own jokes and the writers' strike shutting him down.

So... in your opinion, did he even bother vetting the joke?

No, and Hell no -- in that order.
Re: Pathetic Palin Fixates On Sex between her Teen Girl and older man, Audience shoc

Jim, really... just because you say the joke was about the 14 year old having sex with an older man, does not make it the truth. Letterman has already said on air that the joke was NOT about the 14 year old but about the adult daughter.

He ran for cover and that was his excuse. The fourteen-year-old was the one at Yankee Stadium. Period.
Rape is never a joking matter, no matter the age.

He needs to reconsider how he views the feminine gender.

um, except when it would only be rape because of age, specifically.

the feminine gender? which one would that be?

oh, right, the one without the phallus. the vulnerable one, it seems. right.

golly that seems like a very, um traditional, restricted, and disempowering view of a certain gender.

can't imagine many feminists looking on that view kindly.

back to breeding, i guess.

The feminists have already given him the flying fickle finger of fate award

The sexualization of girls and women in the media is reaching new lows these days -- it is exploitative and has a negative effect on how all women and girls are perceived and how they view themselves. Letterman also joked about what he called Palin's "slutty flight attendant look" -- yet another example of how the media love to focus on a woman politician's appearance, especially as it relates to her sexual appeal to men. Someone of Letterman's stature, who appears on what used to be known as "the Tiffany Network" (CBS), should be above wallowing in the juvenile, sexist mud that other comedians and broadcasters seem to prefer.
Why do you feel the term "feminine" is traditional, restricted, and disempowering?

It is an attribute associated with all women. It's not a misogynistic term.

Do you have something against femininity?
So...after Adam was created, there he was in the Garden of Eden. Of course it wasn't good for him to be all by himself, so the Lord came down to visit. "Adam," He said, "I have a plan to make you much, much happier. I'm going to give you a companion, someone who will fulfill your every need and desire. Someone who will be faithful, loving, and obedient. Someone who will make you feel wonderful every day of your life."

Adam was stunned. "That's sounds incredible!"

"Well, it is," replied the Lord. "But it doesn't come for free. In fact, this is someone so special that it's going to cost you an arm and a leg."

"That's a pretty high price to pay," said Adam. "What can I get for a rib?"
Frankly, I've always found Letterman funny. Strange funny, not ha ha funny. What worries me more is the number of people who tune in to his show. Don't like him? Vote with your remote. His network has already lost one advertiser over this.