Peaceful protest...

Now Gato, you know that the liberal protesters are in favor of free long as it agrees with them. Instead of providing debate, they'll just shut down the war mongering hate filled animal flesh eating right wing asshole because, Allah knows, we can't have both sides presented.
Now Gato, you know that the liberal protesters are in favor of free long as it agrees with them. Instead of providing debate, they'll just shut down the war mongering hate filled animal flesh eating right wing asshole because, Allah knows, we can't have both sides presented.

Nope, it's the conservatives that don't like debate. They just like to name call people "America hater's, Muslim Appeasers, Terrorist sympathizers, and make baseless generalizations based on the actions of a few.

The liberals are WAY more likely to allow both sides to be presented and provide good debate.
OHHHHHHH...they call them names.....KILL 'EM ALL before they say something really mean & actually HURT OUR FEELINGS :crying5:
It's all about avoiding honest debate because they can't handle it
"You are an America hating socialist."

Physically throwing items & rioting in the streets because we don't like your point of view.

Which is more likely to disuade debate?
No contest.

People protesting in the streets encourages debate while right-wing leaders and pundits labeling those who disagree with them as America-haters does much to discourage debate.
People protest because they want their voices to be heard. Other people try to label away the voices they don't want to hear.

Obviously the first encourages debate while the second tries to avoid it.
Sorry Spike, most people attend protests for strictly selfish reasons (its cool, the girl/guy I wanna fuck will be there, etc.). The people who actually understand the issues and what may or may not be at stake are a vanishingly small minority in any such group. I've been to a fair few of them over the years and this has always been the case. Doesn't mean you should stop, by all means speak out. It does make a difference but don't kid yourself about the altruistic motives of most of your fellow protestors.