perceptions of your fellow OTC'ers

I've talked to many members... but Les has to be the phone contact champ. I guess I would be the face to face champ.
unclehobart said:
Paul... Shes not from there. She shouldn't have a southern belle accent.

Now my voice would blow your mind since I've been in Georgia since the age of 6 weeks. You would expect a total entrenched southern accent... but I don't. I don't know if I have an accent of any kind.
Slight, but certainly not entrenched. I dare to say that my southern accent would probalby rate a tad higher than yours, and I was raised in the midst of Iowa, where accents are discouraged if not totally forbidden.

I put a voice to most of your posts Rob, but mostly because your voice is so totally NOT what I was expecting from you. As for others, I don't think I do, perhaps if I had spoken to them, but mostly it's just a personality style I put to it, the way it reads, so to speak. Hmm. I guess you could say I put voices to it then, huh? The faces, although I haven't met anyone in person I associate as well from the pictures in the gallery.
Well, for the guys that I have spoken to I certainly attach their voices to their posts. It makes it seem more 'rea' to me. If I haven't spoken to you or heard your voice all the posts get read in my own accent. Except maybe for Oz....I have a strange little Geordie in me head that reads his posts out loud to me.

And mannerisms are most likely something I'd also attach to posts if I ever met any of the OTC crowd.........but as is I just make them up as I go along...for instance Squiggy has a nervous twitch in his left eye..........tonksy chews her lip when she doesn't understand etc. The mannerisms in my mind change all the time - it's kinda fun because again, it adds a human touch to a very clinical environment and it's almost like building chracters in a story.

BTW unc - you DO have an accent, but that's just to me I suppose because after all, all foreigners have 'strange' accents to me.

tonksy said:
well...besides kaz, that's everybody in the talked to tonksy club.

So, does that make me the only girl? LOL - probably the strangest accent of them all too ;)
Oh wow, LOL how strange that I'd think that and it happens to be true.

Now, if the lip chewing is accompanied by a frown and wrinkling of the nose it'd be a weird coincidence.
I do although the otcers and I dont call each other. but I do and I did(i started to more after the what do you sound like thread). I guess I tried to imagine the person talking and imagine their voice
Unc's the only one I've talked to on the phone. It didn't change my perception much. I can only wonder if it changed his perception of me.
tonks said: does at times...

Sheesh.......does this mean I'm psychic? ;)

Damn, if only I could use the powers more finding out what Saturday's Lotto numbers will be :D
I'd say dead up normal. I've only talked to 2 people and been accurate in what they sounded like and talked like I expected them to. You are one of them.
Even if I've talked to you on the phone, I still picture you all as flourescent-colored sex hungry heads occasionally with an arm or two and sometimes with a sign that says "lol." running around bashing others in the head with it and humping everyone. :brow: :headbang: :lol2: :sex:
fury said:
Even if I've talked to you on the phone, I still picture you all as flourescent-colored sex hungry heads occasionally with an arm or two and sometimes with a sign that says "lol." running around bashing others in the head with it and humping everyone. :brow: :headbang: :lol2: :sex:


I just think of everyone as another faceless person behind a computer out there in the great Somewhere. All the voices match my 'typing' voice, the voice I hear when I read what I type or what others have typed. Occassionally I will see the persons face if I happen to recall it from the Gallery or if it is being used as an avatar.

Otherwise. Just nameless, faceless Beings out in Somewhereville.
unclehobart said:
I'd say dead up normal. I've only talked to 2 people and been accurate in what they sounded like and talked like I expected them to. You are one of them.

And the other would be............?

I find it difficult sometimes to try and imagine what others would sound like..........LOL, most of the Americans just end up with a John Wayne - Texas cowboy drawl.........or a Southern accent........or sometimes they sound like Fran Drescher in the nanny (the accent, not that godawful voice).
I give everyone their own voive, face, and mannerisms.

And when I go to the gallery, or a profile with a picutre, or here a voice on a sound thread, I am always amazed how totally wrong I am.

an example

Squiggy in my head was a pimply blong 18 year old, that spent time on the computer while taking a break from cleaning a 6-pack carb for his trans am

oh did I mention I 've given all of you lives and histories if I never heard it here.
You have? Sheesh, I'd love to hear what life & history you have cooked up for me.....might be more interesting than the real thing ;)
AlphaTroll said:
And the other would be............?

I find it difficult sometimes to try and imagine what others would sound like..........LOL, most of the Americans just end up with a John Wayne - Texas cowboy drawl.........or a Southern accent........or sometimes they sound like Fran Drescher in the nanny (the accent, not that godawful voice).
paul_valaru said:
I give everyone their own voive, face, and mannerisms.

And when I go to the gallery, or a profile with a picutre, or here a voice on a sound thread, I am always amazed how totally wrong I am.

an example

Squiggy in my head was a pimply blong 18 year old, that spent time on the computer while taking a break from cleaning a 6-pack carb for his trans am

oh did I mention I 've given all of you lives and histories if I never heard it here.
ooo... Do you take requests? Can I be a war hero societal oucast like Rambo? ... wandering the streets with a rucksack and a mullet haircut? ... and a tattoo on my left buttock that says 'I skirt chase nuns ... but its a habit I'm trying to break'?