Perhaps violence against judges


molṑn labé
Staff member
could be justified?

Claiming he no longer believes in punishment, a Vermont judge issued a 60-day sentence to a man who confessed to repeatedly raping a girl over a four-year period, beginning when she was 7 years old.

Judge Edward Cashman disagreed with prosecutors who thought Mark Hulett, 34, of Williston, Vt., deserved eight to 20 years in prison, reported WCAX-TV in Burlington, Vt.

Claiming he no longer believes in punishment, a Vermont judge

Here's hoping someone in his constiuancy is both intelligent and involved enough to get him recalled and disbarred.

However, it IS Vermont, so I have my doubts.
highwayman said:
I say put the judge into prison and let the word out that he is a pedaphile....
I like it.

Let's let out the word that he's a pedophile though, not sure what a pedaphile is. :p

Edit: Wonder how he'd feel about punishment then?
Just came to me that the family of the little girl could take bets on how long the judge would last....

:banana2: :smash2:
paul_valaru said:
can't a sentance be appealed???????

The appeal is to see if the court was correct in its evidence and that all was obtained legally. I think that the sentence itself cannot be appealed
freako104 said:
The appeal is to see if the court was correct in its evidence and that all was obtained legally. I think that the sentence itself cannot be appealed

damn, it is obviously a miscarriage of justice, maybe they guy will do a crime in jail...with a litle help and get a 30 year sentance for that..or have a itsy bitsy accident. (oh I dont' mean small I mean they cut off his itsy bitsy)
paul_valaru said:
can't a sentance be appealed???????

Yes, but it is a limited right on several fronts. First, the creep was convicted, and the appeal would have to come from the losing side. I don't think the pervert is going to appeal it.

Second, the sentence can be appealed if it is believed to be an illegal sentence. I have no idea about Vermont's sentencing structure. I know that Tennessee is a sentencing range state, meaning that each conviction has a set minimum and set maximum for the range of conviction of the particular offender. For example, someone in Range I (zero or one prior felony conviction) would get a sentence between one and two years for a Class E (least serious) felony, and would be eligible for release after completing 30% of that time. So if a judge sentenced a Range I offender to three years on a Class E felony that is an illegal sentence and is reversible on appeal.

Third, as with any appeal, there must be demonstrated that a significant error of law was present in the original sentence. Technically, almost every trial has errors. For a sentence to be overturned on appeal the error must be significant in the eyes of the appellate court. Not allowing a witness to testify when they should not have been excluded is an example of significant error.

That being said, the best remedy in this case, again with no knowledge of Vermont law, would be an active campaign to have this judge sanctioned by the state bar, and a campaign of public outrage to make sure he never spends another day on the bench. His actions are absurd, unethical, and improper. He has done a monumental disservice to the people of his judicial district, not to mention to the victim in this case. I can only imagine the capillaries that blew in the District Attorney's brain when word of this injustice reached him/her.
freako104 said:
Can we put the paedophile in there with him?

From what I have heard (since I have not set foot in a prison much less have an attourney in court) a pedaphile in prison is a death sentance no matter what the court says...

paul_valaru said:
can't a sentance be appealed???????

For a pedaphile in prison? That is a death sentence...
But for somebody that is sentance for the death penalty the appeals process can take 30 years, look at how long it took for tookie williams...

Gonz said:
not when people speel as good as we do

Yuz haz dat rite...
highwayman said:
From what I have heard (since I have not set foot in a prison much less have an attourney in court) a pedaphile in prison is a death sentance no matter what the court says...

For a pedaphile in prison? That is a death sentence...
But for somebody that is sentance for the death penalty the appeals process can take 30 years, look at how long it took for tookie williams...

Yuz haz dat rite...

It is. My class took a trip to a prison called Butner in NC. The Paedophiles had to be kept away from the rest of the population. THey are branded with the title Baby Rapers. Hence why I want the paedophile in there. Save the tax money and he gets what he deserves.

Yes, but it is a limited right on several fronts. First, the creep was convicted, and the appeal would have to come from the losing side. I don't think the pervert is going to appeal it.

Second, the sentence can be appealed if it is believed to be an illegal sentence. I have no idea about Vermont's sentencing structure. I know that Tennessee is a sentencing range state, meaning that each conviction has a set minimum and set maximum for the range of conviction of the particular offender. For example, someone in Range I (zero or one prior felony conviction) would get a sentence between one and two years for a Class E (least serious) felony, and would be eligible for release after completing 30% of that time. So if a judge sentenced a Range I offender to three years on a Class E felony that is an illegal sentence and is reversible on appeal.

Third, as with any appeal, there must be demonstrated that a significant error of law was present in the original sentence. Technically, almost every trial has errors. For a sentence to be overturned on appeal the error must be significant in the eyes of the appellate court. Not allowing a witness to testify when they should not have been excluded is an example of significant error.

That being said, the best remedy in this case, again with no knowledge of Vermont law, would be an active campaign to have this judge sanctioned by the state bar, and a campaign of public outrage to make sure he never spends another day on the bench. His actions are absurd, unethical, and improper. He has done a monumental disservice to the people of his judicial district, not to mention to the victim in this case. I can only imagine the capillaries that blew in the District Attorney's brain when word of this injustice reached him/her.

I take back my post on the court being the one that is appealed not the sentence. Thanks for the info, I dont remember learning all that in my Corrections class
Save the tax money and he gets what he deserves.

Sorry freako, but there isn't enough time before the end of the universe for pedophiles to get half of what they deserve.
chcr said:
Sorry freako, but there isn't enough time before the end of the universe for pedophiles to get half of what they deserve.

Agreed though my point was that he would be killed and we wouldnt have to pay for it.
freako104 said:
Agreed though my point was that he would be killed and we wouldnt have to pay for it.

I'd be happy to take care of that for you if you can guarantee my anonymity and freedom form prosecution. :D
Cant guarantee it but go ahead. I will say that your defense is he is a sick fuck who shoulda been off the streets. No jury will convict you ;)
freako104 said:
Cant guarantee it but go ahead. I will say that your defense is he is a sick fuck who shoulda been off the streets. No jury will convict you ;)

I wouldn't bank on that. Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.
Alas one must never assume the stupidity of the mases either. They're smarter than they let on.