Personal packages delivered to work?


New Member
Just wondering if, when you order personal stuff online or by mail, if you have the packages delivered to work or not? And if your employer gives you a problem about receiving too many personal shipments?

Also, do you send personal stuff from work? If so, how is it handled, do you pay them the money for the shipping or do you just pretend it's work related?

Just curious. :D
i have some stuff sent to the Y, mostly climbing gear, and other sport-related gear. In the future I will probably have other stuff sent there as well. Someone is always there to sign for it and I feel more comfortable having it sitting there than on my doorstep all day long if they just leave it.

as for sending stuff. I'll send stuff from the Y, but I use my own postage. Once again, more secure than leaving it in the box all day.
I get personal packages delivered to me at work all the time, especially if it's a gift that I don't want someone at home to see. No one gives me any guff about it since it doesnt really cost the company any money, but this place is usually pretty laid back (not always, but usually). I have never sent anything from work.

I have sent and received stuff here. Even used the company FedEx account before (asked ahead of time and paid them for it of course).
I've had a thing or two shipped to me at work if it's a gift and I don't want anyone to find out about it just yet. I tell the receptionist so that she knows I'm expecting a personal package.

I almost always send mail from work - or rather, I put my mail in the outgoing basket with all the other mail. I always use my own stamps (I'm very strict on that, it seems 90% of the other employees who send mail use the postage machine on personal stuff and I think that's wrong). I will use the machine to seal my envelopes so I don't have to lick them, though. *hehe*
freako104 said:
only home. work is for work.

most places of business don't expect you to sit and work ALL the time you're there. They realize you spend a large portion of your time there and if you have to send a package I am willing to bet that most places would prefer you bring it to work, pay them for the postage and send it out with their mail rather than run rampant on your lunch trying to catch the post office and come back to work late and/or be very unproductive all afternoon cause you are so beat from your lunchtime rushing...

Same is true for booking appointments and stuff. If you have to make an appointment for something where they are only open during business hours I am willing to bet most companies would prefer you make the appointment from work and then just take time off to GO to the appointment rather than also taking time off to make the appointment.

My Dad used to send my Mom flowers at work all the time and she doesn't even work in an office! She works in a factory!!! Her work NEVER had a problem with it. They mad ehe happy, thus, prolly more productive...
Spot said:
i would never have anything delivered to me at work, other than lunch.

No, it does depend on the type of work ER isn't exactly the place to be receiving packages...
Well, considering it's my company, yeah. I send and recieve stuff all the time. Unfortunately, It's usually shit I don't want. hehe
Nope....Its much safer at home than here. It sometimes takes weeks for boxes to travel across campus. At home, I know the FedEx/UPS drivers well for our area, and they know where to hide the boxes.

I do occasionally fax from work though.
I was in charge of that aspect of my last company for 6 years. The hard and fast rules were:
No using the post office side of the operation for personal business outside of merely dropping a done letter into the out box that was stamped and ready to go. The business stamping machines were for business correspondece only. Noone was allowed to trip up the front desk staff with the little tedious tasks that would be taking them away from company based duties... having them package up or even touch the personal material outside of taking it from their hand and placing it in the out box.

That left UPS and Fed Ex... which was my depatment since all shipping and receiving fell under my broad umbrella. By mandate of the boss types, it was up to my sole discretion as to wether someone would be allowed to mail personal items or to get help in packaging such items for transport. The sender had to pay for the straight up shipping costs... period. If the Accounting controllers or I felt that any given individual was being fas too excessive in their personal usage of the company as a shipper or receiver for personal goods, then they would go on the 'list' and have to start paying either a 10% or 25% surcharge.

The small stuff was no big deal... but I've had horror stories where the sales head had an entire new living room delivered to my docks and I had to keep it.. and keep it protected for 4 damn days. I've had to handle wide screen tvs... returned personal effects of road managers leaving stuff with hookers in Jersey and Penn by mistake. I had three women that would use me to return up to 20 individual packages to Lord and Taylor and Eddie Bauer ...bla bla... It got old... esecially when we were psycho busy.
Thanks guys. Here's why I ask.

While I don't worry much about my neighborhood in terms of crime, I wouldn't trust a package to sit on my doorstep all day. So when it comes to personal shipments, they get delivered to work. It is not frequent by any means and I don't think I take advantage.

I've had two orchid shipments to work (you can't leave them outside in the elements and they require a signature), my cd burner, two orders for spring bulbs and today I got my new grow light setup. That's six shipments in almost three years I've been working there. I never let them carry my boxes, I pick them up myself and take care of them. As far as sending, I shipped some plants to Spot through work and paid them for the cost, it was only a few dollars. That was it, one shipment.

I'm being told that the personal shipments are "out of hand" and there's a vast amount of stuff coming in. And that there's conversations going on about us not allowing any personal deliveries to work.

Apparently, there are people who are having furniture delivered there, medication that needs to be refrigerated, books and music from Amazon... I'm not the main culprit but I might get penalized too because of all the rest of the people. I say go to those people and discuss it. At least with the medication, that was an arrangement made a long time ago because again, it requires a signature. How else do you get it if not delivered to your job and no one's home during the day?

We have our suspicions that it's not as "out of hand" as they're making it out to be. Let's just say this isn't the only thing they want to get rid of because it requires making concessions for your coworkers. This isn't a "team player" we're talking about. I was just curious what all of you did.
The best way is to just approach whomever usually takes in the company mailings and let them know ahead of time that you have stuff coming. Simple and polite smooths many feathers.
Yep, I get my puter stuff delivered to work, but I always let Recieving know that I have something coming. They seem fine with it, although I usually go pick it up too, rather than wait for them to deliver it.
Furniture is a TAD excessive...and books and CDs can easily be slipped between 2 doors and noone will know they're there. That stuff is either ridiculous to expect to be allowed to deliver it to work or just to silly to need it delivered to work...

Stuff that has to be signed for, stuff that is big enough that you don't want it sitting on your step...stuff like that is reasonable but people who take advantage of it ruin it for everyone unfortunately :(
Let's put it this way: In the last week, I have had to Priority packages, one motherboard and a box of Omaha Steaks delivered too work. And this is a professional accounting firm. Yet I haven't gotten any grief for it. And now that I have my apartment in Somerville, I need them delivered there for fear of things getting pilfered off my porch.

So to answer your question, yeah I do get things delivered at work.
I get personal packages delivered to the office, my boss doesn't mind at all because he knows I don't ever take lunch, so I pretty much don't have time to go out & shop. Besides, my boss is a right decent oke, so he's not about to get his panties up in a bunch about something like that.
Nixy said:
Furniture is a TAD excessive
No when the guy bringing it in happens to be the third in command of the whole business. He had the power to abuse ... and I not the right to refuse.