PETA: Sea Kittens

Don't forget the 'smells fishy' addendum to said joke

Along those lines, the California legislature is currently considering legislation which would ban women from coastal waters.

They can't get the smell out of the fish.

(Old joke. I don't make 'em up, I just pass 'em on.)
There's only two things that smell like fish; and one of them's fish.

(Old joke. I don't make 'em up, I just pass 'em on.)
Yeah, I was swimming in a lake one time a few years back and I'm sure I kicked a fish. I felt my foot hit something, and when I felt around with my foot to feel what I hit, whatever it was was gone.
i hate swimming in lakes, because you step on all kinds of stuff, but you don't know what much of it is! i stepped on a turtle once, i think. :(
in 'lake lanier' here, I had 2 friends that dove off a bridge, into a nest of moccasin snakes.
Nearly killed both of um.
i never even understood the appeal of lakes for swimming. they're wet... that's about it. full of hidden danger, otherwise.