*pffff* *feathers flying*


New Member
500 points for nalani!

Driving to work this morning, I see a dead bird on the road ... and feathers EVERY WHERE!! Guess who hit it!!
*doublechecks the front of his car*

nope, still the same red color... don't know if that's a good or a bad thing though :headbang:
Well, we can always start one....

*grabs pillow and runs screaming towards kuulani*

*lots of feathers*

*even more feathers*

*damn, that must have been a huge pillow*
it was kinda cool ... in a "sorry-I-killed-a-bird" sorta way ... it was just like the cartoons! I was driving ... and you know, birds usually just move out of the way instictively ... well, I guess this one was stoopid and it just sat there ... I hit it and looked in my rear view mirror and *poof* .. feathers were everywhere ... my 10 year-old Yogi Master said "hey mom - that's bad karma" .. I said "umm.. yeah ... for the bird"


*moment of silence for the bird*
North Georgia is chicken raising country. As a result, the highways are full of flatbed 18 wheelers packed high with chicken cages. Once in awhile, one figures out how to open the cage.

It's a rare trip to my Mom's place up north without seeing at least one red spot on the freeway surrounded by feathers...
kuulani said:
Oh yeah? Bring it on
*grabs two pillows and goes in for the attack*

oh no :eek:

It's time for the suprise attack :headbang:

*grabs his pillow with the small empty-nut-thingies inside of it which I don't know the english name for but make it pretty heavy for a pillow, so it'll punch kuu to the ground while perfectly adapting to her body :headbang:*
*didn't I go to school with a Michelle Sobakawa?*

*tosses some of them North Georgia chickens in a pillowcase and hands it to ku'u for her next sneak attack* .. sorry sis .. didn't have time to actually pluck all the feathers ;)
Yeah, those kind of things! The translation was 'Buckwheat Pillow' btw :)

*throws pillow aside, grabs Kärcher and stands still across kuu, clint eastwood-style, with the sun in the back :gun:*

I know what you're thinking. Did he fire 2 gallons of water or 340. Well, do you feel lucky, punk? :gun:
*sneaks behind psycho with bucket of ice water before pouring it over him*

*hitting a very wet psycho with pillows stuffed with North Georgia chickens*
I popped a quail or partridge this summer like that. But I got it square under the tire. Blew guts across the entire road. But the worst is taking something like a seagull off the windshield at speed. Splat.
I hit a dog once *bump*

and before any one of you accuse me of hitting the dog on purpose, it ran out in front of my car before i had a chance to stop :p