I saw something yesterday I've never seen before...
I was driving Rusty home from the train station and was trying to cross Park Avenue which has three lanes each way plus a center median with parking in the middle--it's a big road. Almost impossible to cross as a pedestrian in one shot unless you walk really fast or jog it. The lights turn so fast, if we can't make it, we usually just sit in the middle and wait.
There was an old lady crossing but she didn't wait for the light to turn red, she walked right into oncoming traffic. I couldn't move because my light was still red but every time a car screeched to avoid her or veer around her, I screamed. It seemed to take an impossibly long time for her to get to the center median, and five or six cars must have just missed her.
When my light turned green, she still hadn't crossed the whole street and was about to enter oncoming traffic again when a few cars (me included) blocked the road so that the traffic couldn't hit her and we sat there while she walked slowly across the road. No one who was being blocked got mad or beeped--maybe they realized what was going on.
Once she was across, one of the cars parked and a guy got out to talk to her. He was on his cell-I guess he was calling the police. I've never seen someone get hit by a car before and I'm so glad she was ok. We have alot of nursing homes around here and Rusty and I helped an older man who had fallen on the sidewalk once too. He went down hard and had some cuts on his hands and his face. He couldn't remember where he lived so they had an ambulance take him to the hospital to get cleaned up while they tried to figure out who he was. It's so sad, I wonder if these people have anyone to take care of them.