Phily-osiphical Question of the serious nonsense variety


Well-Known Member
The question put to you today:

given a time machine which will only work for a certain date, you have the ability to travel back in time. The time is the night of the birth of Christ.

The question is not wether Jesus was a real person or not, nor wether he was the son of God or not. The question is:

Would you work to prevent his crucifixion, work to ensure it, or ignore the entire affaire.

Given that you're already there, in that time period, what else would you do? Language is assumed to be a non-issue, since Latin was prevelant, as was hebrew and greek.
I'm in what could best be described as a bunker. several feet of cinderblock twixt me and fresh air. There's no windows to open. So don't be such a pussy. Answer the question.
Get there in time to witness the birth, but have to wait..what..32 years until the day of the crucifixion? That's a long time to think about it, eh


I'd let it work out the way that it did...though I'd like to take some pics or a video of the event. It was meant to happen that way.

Maybe get a hold of any works written by him. Get the real story about Mary Magdalen. Write down the real timeline for the birth story (to maybe clear up the whole 3-stories business).

Get an interview with JC himself.

Maybe take a walk to the Library at Alexandria and convince them to make copies of their works to keep off-site somewhere. :shrug:

Take pics of the Sphinxs and pyramids, temples etc...before they get pillaged. Marketplaces, urn-makers, clothing makers etc etc...

For an Archeologicalophile like me...that'd be one HELL of a gift. :beardbng:
MrBishop said:
Get there in time to witness the birth, but have to wait..what..32 years until the day of the crucifixion? That's a long time to think about it, eh

I put it like that for a reason. Can you guess what it is?
I would let it be played out..But then I would leave something valuable for me for the future so that I would not need to go back in time...
well, since i'd be stuck there i'd just let it happen as its supposed to. after all, i wont be able to go back and see what the difference is if i did change anything. i could end up making things worse instead of better.
leaving a message for my future self would be pointless as i might have no frame of reference to what it was i changed.
OK, here's my answer.

I have the ability to travel back. Not the mandate. Hence, I would choose not to travel to that particular point in time.

There are others I would do however. Just not that one.
Professur said:
Would you work to prevent his crucifixion, work to ensure it, or ignore the entire affaire.

No sense in trying to prevent it since Jesus died for Mankind (speaking from a Christian point of view). To work to ensure it would be in vain since history teaches us it will happen.
i'd ignore the crucifixion thingy, but i'd take a camcorder and a shitload of tapes and batteries to document and debunk what happened in the years preceding the crunchifunction. mebbe prove flavius josephus right.

that and i'd make a point of getting mary magdalene in da butt.
The only thing I'd do is make sure they added an 11th Commandment "ABNormal says :though shalt not drive in the left lane except to pass" ,however by the time it went through all the translating it would end up as "don't drive in the area from which you pass its abnormal" :hmm:
I'm joining the 'take a lot of pictures and videos but don't interfere' crew.

Would be fascinating to witness huge historical events firsthand.
Altron said:
I'm joining the 'take a lot of pictures and videos but don't interfere' crew.

Would be fascinating to witness huge historical events firsthand.

Like Hiroshima or the World Trade Center :retard3:
I'd be afraid of ending up in the wrong trouser leg. I'd just watch. OTOH, there are events in history I'd be much more interested in seeing.
I think I'd take my laptop, science and math books and educate them. After a while, I'd be the one getting crucified I think. :shrug:
Behold the man, by M. Moorcock handled this issue very well, a religious man goes back in time to witness the life iof christ, and ends up being crusified AS christ, starting the religion he loved so much, at the same time destroying his faith forever.

anyhoo, I would let events take their course.