Ok, so here's a newbie question.
I Had fun with my new digital camera, got a pic that won't frighten small children (much), and so now, to whom do I send/upload/mentally transmit this to? Is it that addy on the webpage you all keep refering too?
Rose said:
Aww, now, I've seen bink pop in once a day or so for the past week. :shrug: I think Justin just wants prime dibs on first peek. ;) :p

:brow: can i get first peek at your... *ahem* ok on to bizness

Well first peek is good, but from now on you can use that email if binks don't work. Bink actually comes around these days? :eek: I setup this account for forums business mainly.
Rose said:
Aww, now, I've seen bink pop in once a day or so for the past week. :shrug: I think Justin just wants prime dibs on first peek. ;) :p

Yeah, it's not like you see a 32 year old mother of 2 everyday. Scary. :D