yeah, i'd like to see what a female 7 foot english Russian weightlifter that writes books about pyramids looks like! :D
Google pics has a nice one under your real name... although you don't look like much of a 7 foot Rooskie weightlifter. Its more like 6'5.
Ok i've sent a photo in now. Apologies for the model like pose, it was an awl proper like photo shooty thing innit
In that pic you look exactly like the girl from the shutter.


Cheers Luis, you big fat.....fathead....

Well I've set up the same photo in my profile, so tough poo poos.
Gerbils, eh.... m'kay. Whatever floats your boat. You remind me of a young Cher in that hat, with that hair.
Gerbils, eh.... m'kay. Whatever floats your boat. You remind me of a young Cher in that hat, with that hair.


No insult intended... I did say that you reminded me of, not that you looked like. Perhaps it's the hair, or the hat.