unclehobart said:
How far away is the donught shop where you bought the box?
I take it that the new place is far from any military installation?
Is the new place near a more urban setting ... or are you still fairly rural?
Kids taking well to their new school?
Looking for a job or still settling in?
too many questions...had to quote to remember em all
sorry bout the delay...was arguing with the stoopid !@#$ cable company
um...the silver one is a coffeemaker, Black and Decker Thermos style, $49.99
the other is a Mrs. Tea, it brews tea as if it were coffee.
the donut shop was...hmm...about 10 minutes away, on the way home from Walmart

I'm in a city now, so it's pretty nifty...got a dollar store about 2 minutes away

kids love school, have made tons of friends, it's going well there,
and nope, not looking for a job, finishing getting the house ready, finding hubby an apartment of his own now, and then will begin babysitting...more money to be made there.