
Does the stove hood actually vent to the outside world or is it one of those hoods that just blows smoke around?

Whats the most exotic spice on the rack?

Which is your favorite coffee cup?

Can you walk to anywhere like a park or a store? ... or is it pretty much all at drive distance?
I can walk to tons of places now, and the bus stops right at the complex entrance, so I've got the city at my feet...

the rack has no spices, it actually has mini teapots I collected from tetley...the exotickest *made up a word* spices I have right now are curry and cumin I guess...nothing too extraordinary.

My favourite coffeecup is the mondo-sized one with country red checks and red hearts on it :D

the stove hood vents outside, mercifully, no grease blowing around the house :headbang:
What is all of the stuff on top of the TV? .. a myriad of candle-y stuff?

Flowers, eh? .. the pic is fuzzy. Are they roses?

Whats the book on the speaker left of the tv?

Which tin is your favorite?

What were you watching on tv?

Wheres the computer tucked away in all of that? the bedroom?
What kind of heating system do you have there?

How many bathrooms? Full tub or just a shower?

Is the bathroom floor like really friggin cold when its super cold outside? or is it carpeted?

What did you have for dinner tonight?

Whats the provincial capital of Manitoba?

Is your front door level with the ground or up a flight of steps?

Is there a garage? a covered carport? an exterior shed like the old place?

(thunder and lightning in the background now as a front is moving overhead. I might not last much longer... aka powerfailure)
unclehobart said:
What is all of the stuff on top of the TV? .. a myriad of candle-y stuff?

Flowers, eh? .. the pic is fuzzy. Are they roses?

Whats the book on the speaker left of the tv?

Which tin is your favorite?

What were you watching on tv?

Wheres the computer tucked away in all of that? the bedroom?

on the tv is...a myriad of candle-y stuff, a mini little cherub fountain I bought myself, and the roses are a bouquet of fakey ones that were thrown up on a stage at some show sometime...he grabbed em and brought em home for me.

The book on the speaker is Colin Dexter's 'A Remorseful Day', the one where Inspector Morse dies :( Under the right speaker is a book of the (my) Stuart Clan's family tree back to 1550, and the Holy Bible.

Larry was watching tv...prolly something like springer or maury povich.
oops...I'd have to say that my favourite tin is...a tie between the Tetley tea cannister and the Nestle Tollhouse Cookie tin which has on it the most fantastickest recipe :D
unclehobart said:
What kind of heating system do you have there?

How many bathrooms? Full tub or just a shower?

Is the bathroom floor like really friggin cold when its super cold outside? or is it carpeted?

What did you have for dinner tonight?

Whats the provincial capital of Manitoba?

Is your front door level with the ground or up a flight of steps?

Is there a garage? a covered carport? an exterior shed like the old place?

(thunder and lightning in the background now as a front is moving overhead. I might not last much longer... aka powerfailure)

Um...natural gas heat,
one bath, full tub but not as full as my Jacuzzi used to be :(

bathroom floor is not carpeted and not cold...new linoleum...there's just a scatter rug down there...it's not bad.

um...last night I felt awful...dinner was Lay's Salt and Vinegar Chips and a Twix bar :blush:

the front door is one step up from the ground...it'd have to be a purty big flood...

no garage, no carport, no shed...just a basement :S

the Capital of Manitoba would be Winnepeg

how'd you make out with the power failure thing? I went to bed just afore 10.
I just don't see how it can make decently strong tea with just momentary contact with the teabags in the same fashion as coffee... but then I just like my tea strong strong strong.

There never was a power failure like I kept expecting ... but it didn't keep me from shutting down all of my rigs for 2 hours in anticipation of it. I went to bed at 130am only to be woken by an even nastier storm at 330am. That one had the near roar of a tornado and I was close to scrambling for the basement. It turns out that it was just hard winds and the deafening din of roughly 2 inches of rain dropping in all of 15 minutes. Everything seemed to be under a great deal of rushing water and the street absolutely disappeared completely for 5 minutes... and its a 15 degree slope that can't store water. I haven't seen a cloudburst that bad since the mid 70s.