Pics of me and my crazy goth friends.


New Member
I don't want to make this thread take years to upload since i can't seem to attach pics, so here is a link. :D

SouthPark Tavern

But one quick peek...

cool pics.
is it me, or does Jasper look like David Hyde Pierce from "Frasier"
I'd like to see the Spirit guy when he's old and fat and wrinkly and regretting those godawful tattoos on his face.

Scary!!! :eek:

Although Raven (on the piccy's, not the otc' offence dude) is quite cute :)
Wow. I'd like so not fit in there. Probably get kicked out for pointing.
Anybody else get nostalgic when they look at those pics? I remember dressing like that in the late 70s.... standing in line for the Rocky Horror Picture Show.... going slamming at local punk clubs... :love3:
Naw, can't say I get memories of standing in line for the Rocky Horror Picture Show in the late '70s when I see those pics... :D (this is funnier to people who know when I was born)
Inkara1 said:
Naw, can't say I get memories of standing in line for the Rocky Horror Picture Show in the late '70s when I see those pics... :D (this is funnier to people who know when I was born)
I know when you were born, and I don't think it's very damn funny. :D
Ms Ann Thrope said:
Anybody else get nostalgic when they look at those pics? I remember dressing like that in the late 70s.... standing in line for the Rocky Horror Picture Show.... going slamming at local punk clubs... :love3:

I didn't discover the Rocky HPS...until well into the late 80's, but I've attended it with a few great players. I miss walking home and picking rice outta my hair...I really do :(
MrBishop said:
I didn't discover the Rocky HPS...until well into the late 80's, but I've attended it with a few great players. I miss walking home and picking rice outta my hair...I really do :(
that's roughly our age difference, isn't it? I had a massive crush on Tim Curry at the time... :love:

never thought that look would hang on for so long, though... :confuse3:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
that's roughly our age difference, isn't it? I had a massive crush on Tim Curry at the time... :love:

never thought that look would hang on for so long, though... :confuse3:
I remember the day that my wife and one of her friends decided to see what the fuss was all about, and rented it. Obviously...they didn't get it. There is a huge difference in seeing it on DVD and going to a theater with about 100 other maniacs like you and screaming out the 'responce lines', throwing the rice and meatloaf, holding a folded up newspaper over your head with one hand while shooting off your waterpistol with the other and just standing up and having a blast during the 'Time Warp' dance.

Damn...but there are a very few groups doing it anymore, and the last time that I went, I ended up shouting out a few responces alone :(

I remember that they used to have a video that you could rent that showed you the responces and at what time. I also fondly remember singeing my thumb during "There's a light, Over At The Frankenstein Place" :D