Pics of me and my crazy goth friends.

Camelyn said:
oooo, me three! anyone ever see him in Earth 2?
no...but i found it a little unsettling to be sexually attracted to cardinal richelieu in three musketeers..... :ashamed:
Cool pics, cool place. I wish I had a place like that here. Of course I would look so ordinary in the midst of them, but my vampire-like teeth should at least grant me some respect. :D
BTW, I'm kinda lost; are you the one by the right on the first pic in this thread, Lissa?
Yeah, a lot of the pics at that site don't have her in it; I'm pretty sure the site belongs to a friend of hers.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
Anybody else get nostalgic when they look at those pics? I remember dressing like that in the late 70s.... standing in line for the Rocky Horror Picture Show.... going slamming at local punk clubs... :love3:

Written by a kiwi - apparently, we can get *some* things right. :alienhuh: :D
BeardofPants said:
Written by a kiwi - apparently, we can get *some* things right. :alienhuh: :D

Richard O' Brien? Born in the UK, emigrated (and educated) in New Zealand.....then returned to the wonder the poor guy is headfucked :D :retard3:

Was just a microdude when the first shows were played......but went to some cool ones in the late 80's/early 90's......great fun :D
My friend Amy took a bunch of the pictures. It's a livejournal community for the clubs Friday and Saturday nights. I have other pics from some other clubs around town, but they are also on lj sites since my computer won't allow me to upload anything here.

I have changed a lot, I gained lots of weight, choped my hair off and started wearing my glasses again. Sorry to confuse anyone.
Oh ya and Spirit doesn't have tats on his face, it's simply marker and makeup.

And Raven is the lesbian girl from LA that thinks it's "fun to watch me dance".
PrincessLissa said:
And Raven is the lesbian girl from LA that thinks it's "fun to watch me dance".

*sigh* That's just typical of my luck :(

I swear.....if I fell in a bucket of tits....I'd come out suckin' me thumb :lloyd:
tonksy said:
no...but i found it a little unsettling to be sexually attracted to cardinal richelieu in three musketeers..... :ashamed:


I loved him in Legend!!
Pennywise was the only character that scared my youngest brother when he was a kid.

We'd (my other brothers and I) tell him pennywise was waiting upstairs when he had to go to the bathroom, and suddenly, he didn't have to go anymore. :devious: