plant pics

Inkara1 said:
I did when I bought it. The pot wasn't much bigger than what it came in though. I also sometimes wonder if I should have cut the roots before I put it in the new pot.

It has sprouted the occasional new leaf, but it's lost more than it's gained.
lotsa times commercial vendors will put a growth retardant on the plants they sell so that they don't outgrow the pot whilst still in their care and before they've turned their buck. trouble is is that the plant goes nutty when it wears off. i bet if you put it in a pot double the size you'd have double the plant before long. you could prune it if the long pieces start to look rough.
What sucks though is that I'd kinda like to control its size, which is about perfect for that corner right now. If whoever put in the ceiling hook had located it farther from the corner, I would probably want to go bigger, but as it is the edge of the pot is only about three or four inches from the A/C wall and five or six from the picture behind it.
All the ones I've ever put in anywhere are two-piece, including one of those spring-loaded things (I forget the name at 4:22 a.m.) that spreads out to grip, which needs a fairly large hole to go through. I'd trust that more than a screw gripping gypsum dealing with a plant and pot combo that probably weighs 20 pounds.
Inkara1 said:
All the ones I've ever put in anywhere are two-piece, including one of those spring-loaded things (I forget the name at 4:22 a.m.) that spreads out to grip, which needs a fairly large hole to go through. I'd trust that more than a screw gripping gypsum dealing with a plant and pot combo that probably weighs 20 pounds.
spring loaded? never seen one of those. but regardless, you shouldn't see someones else lack of forethought to affect you. move that sucker :p
But then I'd have a bigger-than-3/8-inch hole in the ceiling to look at, not to mention how I'd never be able to reach in through a hole slightly smaller than my pinky to compress the spring-loaded thingie and pull it back through the hole. I'd probably be better off just putting in a second hook... but I'm too cheap and lazy. :D
haven't you ever heard of the toothpaste trick? some white toothpaste in the hole works well to hide it...the laziness i can't help you with ;)
The toothpaste truck was used quite a bit on this place before I moved in (if you've seen any strange-looking spots on the walls when I've taken pictures of stuff it's because the toothpaste reflects light differently than the semi-gloss paint around it). I'm not sure how well the trick would work for a 3/8-inch hole though.
Buy one that's the same color as the ceiling. Trust me, if nothing is hanging from it, you barely notice it. I have two and you don't see the hole if you screw in the hook to be flush with the ceiling.

Tonks, I was thinking about you today. I decided to make some potted plants for Mom and two sisters for tomorrow. I found what I was looking for and of course, bought some other plants for myself too.

A list of the total haul... it was just a light trip. :D

1 Yellow Osteospermum
1 White Osteospermum
1 Purple Osteospermum
4 Purple Bacopa
2 White Bacopa
2 Ogon (yellow and green ornamental grass)
2 Pony Tails (green ornamental grass that feels like hair)
2 Yellow Ice Plant (look a lot like daisy but are actually succulents)
2 Purple Ice Plant
1 Orange, yellow and pink Dahlia

I'll be taking pictures tomorrow before I leave for my sister's house and I'll post them.

By the way, remember that sedum I told you I bought last year? It did come back after the winter, the new clump is about 5 inches wide already. And it's only May, the temps aren't even consistantly over 45 degrees at night yet.

I'm really beginning to take an interest in cactus and succulents. They're so hardy. Saw some really pretty cactus flowers at the New York Botanical Gardens last week:



I'm slowly but surely getting the pictures uploaded to my website. Only about 10 so far. But I did get some cool pictures of a Red Tailed Hawk eating a bird. :D
nice haul!
i'll be looking forward to the pictures and i'll post mine as they bloom.
my sedum that is like your sedum is doing okay but i think i may have under potted it. i broke up my dragons blood sedum and put them by the driveway with some hens and chicks and other ground covers.
my red coleus is half dead because my cat developed crystals in his urine and took to peeing on places that we'd notice. apparently this is normal behavior, his little way of saying "mommy, i'm sick" :rolleyes: he's on antibiotics and special food now. anyway, i digress. half of it died and i planted a green coleus in there with the half that lived.
Luis G said:
Jacaranda anyone ?


They are everywhere here too (Pretoria is called the Jacaranda City ffs) - not allowed to plant any anymore as they are not indigenous. I think they're pretty, in sprintime when they are in full bloom the city looks like a carpet of purple flowers :D

The second pic is a little reason why we say Johannesburg is an urban forest of note - from satellite pics it looks like a rainforest(there's something like 6 million trees in the Jo'burg area). BTW it's of the northern suburbs.

(Both pics are Johannesburg)
I had cyclamen for a time, but inside on a windowsill. Didn't have much luck with it though, I kept forgetting to water it.

This was a great resource for the care of the flowers:

So I finally got the piece of furniture I designed and ordered:


Then Rusty and I put together my Orchidarium and I was able to put all but three orchids I have in it. I would have tried for those two but they're four feet tall each!


It's replicating a rainforest in there, with all the gadgets that came with it... Six warm and cool fluorescents, a digital thermometer/hygrometer, two high-powered fans for circulation, air stones, a sonic fogger (cool looking thing in the back right corner, makes it look like smoke), there's a reservoir in the bottom to hold water, I can get more orchids that grow on tree bark and hang them from the sides of the grids... This thing is awesome.

The furniture and the orchidarium are the purchases I was referring to when I started that "how much money do you spend on your hobbies" thread. No more large purchases for me this year. This is my tax return, anniversary present, birthday present, and Christmas present rolled into one. :)
It's in front of my living room window so yea, I get to look at it all the time. :)

I'm totally psyched. I got outside on Sunday and put down these cute little wooden fence type borders around my lily garden and trimmed some of my shrubs. Now if only my landlord would get my lawn mowed, it might look decent out there!
I got a Gerber Daisy from Chris last weekend...I watered it on Saturday and on Sunday it was all droopy...thought maybe it wasn't getting enough light in here so I brought it out and put it beside my mom's Gerber Daisy I gave her for mother's day (bought the same time as mine) which she has watered and which is doing fantastic...and it's STILL droopy! Like, REALLY droopy...HELP
did you just repot it? if so it might want some stking to support it...if you didn't you might want to....but droopy usually means no water, no sun, or no support. did you repot? you might not have applied enough pressure to the soil to support the plant.
tonksy said:
did you just repot it? if so it might want some stking to support it...if you didn't you might want to....but droopy usually means no water, no sun, or no support. did you repot? you might not have applied enough pressure to the soil to support the plant.

Nope, no repotting, I've had itall of like 9's been watered once...the soil was still damp when i watered it but it says to keep it moist so I figured after a week it needed more's only about 4inches high btw

It's in more sun now, think it might perk up or do I have to hope that new flowers come out and let these ones be lost?
Ok, after reading online I think I question is it possible it will get over this or is it gone? :(