Playing with Google Sattelite


Ye olde homestead. It's the one at the end of the long curved drive north of the highway. The big place across the road is a stables. I walk over and watch 'em teach dressage from time to time. The house faces east rather than facing the highway. You can sort of make out the cee-ment pond, one end is under a couple of maples.
For those that can't find their place using the search function, just move through the map until you find your city, then zoom.

That's how I found mine.
I live in the brown buildings at the bottom middle and my kids school is the large building in the top right
Luis G said:
For those that can't find their place using the search function, just move through the map until you find your city, then zoom.

That's how I found mine.

I tried to show where I was last summer, but couldn't get zoomed in beyond a large expanse of desert. Even Kuwait City wouldn't come in clearly. Guess those satellites have blinders.

Here are pictures, though...:rolleyes: Of course, if I posted them, I'd get in trouble...
AlphaTroll said:
Seems Google doesn't think there is a world outside the Northern American section :shrug:

I think it's more of the satellite being in geo-synchronous orbit over North America. Places outside are too far out for a good image.
Gato_Solo said:
I tried to show where I was last summer, but couldn't get zoomed in beyond a large expanse of desert. Even Kuwait City wouldn't come in clearly. Guess those satellites have blinders.

Here are pictures, though...:rolleyes: Of course, if I posted them, I'd get in trouble...

so you're allowed to tell how? (I hope) :D
Gato_Solo said:
I think it's more of the satellite being in geo-synchronous orbit over North America. Places outside are too far out for a good image.
Well, that's a big piece of bollocks. Since when did Geosynchronous orbit = Swath path ONLY over North America?

<edit> wait, you're just talking about this particular satellite, huh? :retard: I should read more carefully.
I'm too easy to find, both home and work. It's zoomed in as far as possible. I live at the yellow dot, work at the red dot (the distance between the two is just about a block), and the blue dot is the SE corner of O'Hare. BTW, all that green between my house and work is a cemetery, a pretty old one for this area at that, many stones over 100 years old.
BeardofPants said:
Well, that's a big piece of bollocks. Since when did Geosynchronous orbit = Swath path ONLY over North America?

<edit> wait, you're just talking about this particular satellite, huh? :retard: I should read more carefully.

:grinyes: :p
Leslie said:
I did :laugh:

It looks like a really expensive hell on earth to me.

It actually wasn't that bad...unless you were out in the sun in the middle of the day. :devious:
the group of 4 houses in the upper right, ours is the top left one.
pic must be at least 2 years old. there is a white car in my driveway and there have been 2 driveways that have been significantly widened in the past 2 years, but not in this pic.

link with the big picture