please say hello to my friend ...


Sorry I wasn't here earlier but I was busy doing much homework [mutters]God damn fucking idiot of a girl I am going into engineering. bye bye social life for 5 years. especially if i keep procrastinating *bitchslaps self*[/muttering] WEll, I was HONESTLY trying to do HW but it turned into cleaning my entire room, taking a nap and taking pictures of myself with my webcam whilst my fan was blowing my hair and making it look all sexy like.....

Maybe if I get a good nipple twisting I'll post some for you guys! :D
*Twists nixy's nipples as well as he can* OK...unass the pictures now :D

Thanks for the welcome Nixy. Its much appreciated.
Kay, I officially don't get it.

What is this studying thing? I have absolutely nothing to study. :confuse3: