Please welcome our newest administrators...

I've just seen "Who's online" and Justin highlighted as an admin and immediately thought "HOLY MOTHER OF FECKING SANDPITS! (it's the end of my shift, excuse me... ;) :D)

then again... Justin, that's one hell of a length to go to become an admin, what with nearly kickin' it an' all... ;)

hehe, j/k
[offical speech] Thanks guys. I am know me and Leslie would try our outmost best with our new status. Leslie has been an intregal part in OTC from the start, and has recently been doing ALOT of behind the scenes work trying to calm down recent goings on that went against the well being of the site. Lets hope that we won't have to use the extra powers much and that peace can be returned to OTC on a long term basis. [/offical speech]

Other than that, ROCK on OTC :D
Justintime said:
Hey Jon.. want me to make you forget your password?

lol, okay okay, no need to bring out the big guns ;) :D

on a serious note, i'm fuckin glad i don't have to modify my sig to include a quote from YOU... :) really thought you were in some serious trouble there, so i'm glad you're on the up :beerbang: