Poetic justice


molṑn labé
Staff member
Texas sues Sony BMG for 'spyware' on CDs
Nov 21 2:32 PM US/Eastern

The state of Texas sued Sony BMG, alleging that thec ompany "surreptitiously" installed spyware on personal computers through music CDs with a copy protection program.

"Sony has engaged in a technological version of cloak and dagger deceit against consumers by hiding secret files on their computers," said Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott in a statement after suing under the state's anti-spyware law.

"Consumers who purchased a Sony CD thought they were buying music. Instead, they received spyware that can damage a computer, subject it to viruses and expose the consumer to possible identity crime."

Sony BMG, one of the world's biggest music companies, said last week it was ending the use of the software provided by a third-party vendor and allowing consumers who purchased CDs to exchange them for similar items without the software.

The joint venture of Japan's Sony and German-based BMG recalled the CDs after a firestorm of protests and the threat of legal action over its use of the so-called XCP copy protection software.

Experts say that when one of the CDs is inserted into a PC, the copy-protection software can modify computer settings and expose computers to a variety of malicious software programs.
sony really got caught red-handed on this one. makes you wonder what else gets put on your machine by seemingly legit products.
tommyj27 said:
sony really got caught red-handed on this one. makes you wonder what else gets put on your machine by seemingly legit products.
...like trojans in Windows and virii written by Symantec? :alienhuh:
The biggest culprit is usually your own fucking ISP. You wouldn't BELIEVE some of the shit that accompanies the install CD's for most services. I won't let any of my clients use 'em. I get the settings off the ISP website and get them through manually.
HomeLAN said:
The biggest culprit is usually your own fucking ISP. You wouldn't BELIEVE some of the shit that accompanies the install CD's for most services. I won't let any of my clients use 'em. I get the settings off the ISP website and get them through manually.
Me too. There are two kinds of paranoia, rampant and insufficient. :brush: