Police find 'sniper message'


molṑn labé
Staff member
It wasn't you specifically Mitch, just the general idea that the media changed photo's almost immediately. Our first shot of him was the mugshot. Within hours, if not minutes, it became the one you posted.

Why can't we have good guys & bad guys anymore? There's nothing wrong with seeing a guy in a black hat (prison photo) and damned well knowing it's the bad guy. Now he seems to be a misguided, anger-unmanaged, overzealous lout instead of a fucking murderer!! It drives me nuts.


New Member
Ahh, it's the sensationalism of the media of course. Read Inkara1's reason as to why. They have to get paid. So they exadurate, lie, convey a message that has more "appeal" rather than the truth, and every other dirty trick in the book to make a buck. It's not news anymore.


Well-Known Member
gonz, im just going to say it. stop using the euphmisms that the media is using. they are annoying!(i know how you feel but the more i hear it the more pissed i become and want to yell at the top of my lungs cause its all bullshit) mitch thank you for clearing up some more gun laws. gonz back to what i was going to say. they are sick fucks!(read the thread about ballistcs match to see why i still say sick) they are killers. cnat we just say that anymore?