Political correctness has claimed another victim, poor Jack O' Lantern.


100% Pure Canadian Beef
Halloween party dumped at school in Broomfield

By Kathryn Richert, The Daily Camera
October 3, 2007
BROOMFIELD - There won't be little ghosts and goblins at Kohl Elementary School this Halloween.

In a newsletter sent home to parents, Principal Cindy Kaier wrote that the traditional Halloween party celebrated in classrooms each year will be replaced by a fall party on Friday.

And because the party is focused on fall, not Halloween, children can't wear costumes.

Parents expressed frustration that they weren't included in the decision.

Brook Kimber said it's hard to explain a random Oct. 5 party to a child.

The decision came after a discussion that culminated in an "emotional" meeting with teachers that focused on school holiday parties and how Kohl could continue to celebrate without leaving out anyone.


trick or .......
We don't have Halloween at our kid's school. We do have an Octoberfest which is a huge thing (it's this weekend, in fact). Why a fun childhood holiday is replaced by a festival named after a German beer brawl is beyond me.
But to get around the whole no costume thing, the first grade celebrates "I Love A Book" day on October 31st and the first graders dress up as their favorite character from a book and parade the halls.
American holiday traditions going out the door?

....how Kohl could continue to celebrate without leaving out anyone.

Who would be left out?


No one, however, had a good way to include an uncomfortable kid whose family doesn’t celebrate Halloween.

Of course.

They voiced a broader concern that it was political correctness gone too far considering Halloween isn’t a religious holiday in the United States and kids only know it as a fun time to dress up, trick-or-treat and eat lots of sugar.

B-b-but there's sugarfree candy, ya know.

It's happening in Chicago, too.


So long, Halloween parade. Farewell, Santa's gift shop.

The holiday traditions are facing elimination in some Oak Lawn schools this year after complaints that the activities are offensive, particularly to Muslim students.
Is the deconstrucion of halloween a left wing PC thing, a right wing religious challenge thing? ... or a combination of the two? It seems to play out differently in different places.
It would be cool if someone put an umbrella up Cindy Kaier's ass and opened it.
Powr kidlets.

Ironically, Halloween is getting bigger and bigger every year here, and I wouldn't be surprised if it entered schools eventually. Some parent groups get together and arrange Halloween-parties at the school for the classes their kids are in, but it's held in the early evening, so those who don't like it (=have mean parents) can stay at home.

I once contributed with a carved pumpkin. My first and only. :p
So the attack has gone from the Christian holiday in December to the Pagan one in October. Interesting to see whose feathers are ruffled now that weren't before.
It's not about the pagan aspect. It's about the fun of childhood, memories that folks hold dear as the grow. This anti-Halloween sentiment is pure killjoy through and through.
Why do they have to put Christmas on during the shortest week of the year? It ruins my sacrifice to Tyr during the winter solstice. How can I ensure a proper sacrifice so that I will be rewarded with good crops when Petsmart is closed for the weekend?

I had to fake it and slay a Hardees roast beef sandwich instead.

Tyr... hear our plea... *munch*
American holiday traditions going out the door?

That's it in a nutshell.

Pretending to be all inclusive has made us completely exclusive. Kids are losing out. Where can I find my Ramadan tree for Hannukah?
when i was in elementary school, we had this jehovah's witness kid in our class, and he explained that he doesn't do holidays and such, but we were all like, "ah, k", not like, "FREAK! WE SINGLE YOU OUT, NOW!"
i don't know what he did while we were all parading around in costumes or opening valentines or all those other things we do in "observance" of holidays, though. i think there was a room that had like indoor recess for people who didn't want to play, i seem to recall. so they still got to have funtimes.