Poll: Americans Oppose Obama's First Two Executive Orders


Well-Known Member
I believe that all polls are crap because they can be slanted in whichever direction the pollsters desire. This is for information only and you can make up your own mind about what you think of his POEs.


Poll: Americans Oppose Obama's First Two Executive Orders
President Obama's first two executive orders -- allowing federal funding for overseas abortions and closing Guantanamo -- have been met with widespread opposition, according to a poll released Tuesday.


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

President Obama has garnered widespread support for his early actions in office, but Americans strongly oppose the commander-in-chief's first two executive orders -- allowing federal funding for overseas abortions and closing Guantanamo -- according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday.

Fifty-eight percent of Americans said they disagreed with the president's decision to give overseas funding to family planning organizations that provide abortions, according to the survey taken between Friday and Sunday. Thirty-five percent supported it.

Obama signed an order Jan. 23 reversing the "Mexico City policy" -- a prohibition first implemented by Ronald Reagan, which forbade the U.S. government from sending money to overseas family-planning organizations that perform abortions or offer abortion counseling. The ban, which was lifted when Bill Clinton took office, was later re-established by George W. Bush in 2001.

The poll also found that more Americans -- 50 percent to 44 percent --oppose the president's decision to close the Guantanamo Bay prison for terror suspects within in a year.

Obama's executive orders are especially unpopular among Republicans. Only eight percent said they approve the president's decision to fund overseas abortions, while 11 percent said they agree with his order to shut down Guantanamo.

Both orders were also least popular among Democrats, though most surveyed said they approved of the president's decisions.

Despite clear disapproval to the two executive orders, an overwhelming majority of Americans said they supported the president's first actions as president.

Seventy-four percent favored Obama's position to lift interrogation techniques on prisoners, while 76 percent said they agreed with the decision to name special envoys to the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Seventy-six percent also said the agreed with Obama's decision to tighten ethics rules for administration officials. And 66 percent said they agree with his effort to make it easier for workers to sue for pay discrimination.

Click here to see the Gallup poll.
I haven't formed a solid opinion yet on all of it.
He Has changed some of his original idea paths.

Again like with all previous...I don't have all the intel.
Ooops! There goes another campaign promise.

Under executive orders issued by Obama recently, the CIA still has authority to carry out what are known as renditions, secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to countries that cooperate with the United States.

But the Obama administration appears to have determined that the rendition program was one component of the Bush administration's war on terrorism that it could not afford to discard.

"Obviously you need to preserve some tools -- you still have to go after the bad guys," said an Obama administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity when discussing the legal reasoning. "The legal advisors working on this looked at rendition. It is controversial in some circles and kicked up a big storm in Europe. But if done within certain parameters, it is an acceptable practice."

Where are all the protests now? Was it bad when Bush did it, now it's O.K. because Zero does it?
The task force will also study and evaluate the transfer of prisoners to other nations, a process known as "extreme rendition." The task force is given six months to finish its work, with a possibility of extension.

The promises was to study and evaluate within 6+ months?

Sounds like renditions have remained intact.

0 should be tried for war crimes!
Obama puts a cap on Executive Pay/Salary for companies receiving aid
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama on Wednesday imposed $500,000 caps on senior executive pay for the most distressed financial institutions receiving federal bailout money, saying Americans are upset with "executives being rewarded for failure."

Obama announced the dramatic new government intervention into corporate America at the White House, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at his side. The president said the executive-pay limits are a first step, to be followed by the unveiling next week of a sweeping new framework for spending what remains of the $700 billion financial industry bailout that Congress created last year.

The executive-pay move comes amid a national outcry over huge bonuses to executives heading companies seeking taxpayer dollars to remain afloat. The demand for limits was reinforced by revelations that Wall Street firms paid more than $18 billion in bonuses in 2008 even amid the economic downturn and the massive infusion of taxpayer dollars.

"This is America. We don't disparage wealth. We don't begrudge anybody for achieving success," Obama said. "But what gets people upset -- and rightfully so -- are executives being rewarded for failure. Especially when those rewards are subsidized by U.S. taxpayers."
Care to set up a poll on how people will react to this Exec.Order?
A little further down the article
Obama said that massive severance packages for executives who leave failing firms are also going to be eliminated. "We're taking the air out of golden parachutes," he said.
If it is the CEO's fault their company needs a bailout, shouldn't they be fired instead of capped?
good luck! many of 'em have security details. (i was fortunate to get, um, moved out the way by a big 3 automotive CEO's detail a few years ago at a party.... arrogant cocks...)
Care to set up a poll on how people will react to this Exec.Order?

im against it. government has no place doing this

im all for these business failures being allowed to fail, i just dont think its sugar daddys place to impose it
Although I agree that Republicans are Americans, I disagree that they represent all Americans. :D

Hilarious read, though. ;)

Close Gitmo. It's an embarrassment. Give money to international health organizations that provide birth control.

Hmmmm... guess that removes me from that list. ;)
Public Supports Closing Guantanamo
In Poll, Most Agree With President's Plan to Shutter the Facility Within a Year


Say, wouldn't thisd falll within the margin of error?
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that 53 percent of Americans said the United States should shutter the controversial facility in Cuba and find another way to deal with the prisoners there.
I see that it caps their salary ... but I don't see where it blocks the bonuses

The Clinton administration started that. They complained so loudly about executive pay that the execs traded big slaries for stock options.

Worked great for them.

im against it. government has no place doing this

im all for these business failures being allowed to fail, i just dont think its sugar daddys place to impose it

Hands out a gold star.
Severance. Again, doesn't mention bonuses. These bastards have all kinds of different words for 'payoff' that they use to hide from stuff like this.

The $500,000 limit on total annual compensation will apply to senior executives at companies receiving "exceptional financial recovery assistance," according to the new Treasury Department guidelines.
Any additional compensation for those executives must be limited to restricted stock that can be cashed in only upon repayment of government assistance with interest.

In addition to the salary cap, Obama's plan limits golden parachutes for executives who leave companies receiving federal assistance.
The rules completely ban severance packages for the top 10 executives at those firms and limits exit payments for the next 25 senior executives to one year's salary.

The new guidelines also require financial firms to adopt company-wide policies aimed at curbing "excessive or luxury" spending on "aviation services, office and facility renovations, entertainment and holiday" party expenses. The new policies must be certified by chief executives and be posted on company websites.

Here ya go.