positive moves on immigration

was i making an argument for legalizing 33 million? no dippypants i was suggesting we need to make immigration easier for those with mad skillz, not folks who would do grunt labor like sanding dentures or driving trucks. we got enough of our own to do that kind of shit, and they will increasingly need jobs.
yeah I know yer all into the stoopid left wing boolshit that there's no one smart enough
in this whole fuckin' country to do jobs and we need to import Asians or whatever to take
H1B visa positions

are those jobs 'Americans won't do' ?

jeez you guys are out of your fuckin' minds
buncha gol-darned Zombies

American's forced out and replaced by foreigners
really? do you have an advanced technical degree? how about an undergrad engineering degree? you ever hire anyone other than service grade dick cookers?

protectionism is tarded in any form.
Again with the crap that focuses on me instead of the issue.
is this a style of argument learned in your Liberal Arts courses?
didja read the article?
dude if the American worker wasn't prices out of range by the market distortions
caused by the government distortions in the domestic labor market then it wouldn't
be profitable to import rat eaters to under cut them.

Having an engineer whose native language isn't Engrish isn't preferable to a good old American boy!

Hell even a Wal-Mart cashier, a Logistics Coordinator and relocation specialist or a former CEO knows that :p
Wait on second thought I WILL have to cede this one to you ;)
In the current situation what with the outrageous taxation, benefits
(and now Osamacare) and his sense self righteous sense of self-entitlement,
it only makes perfect sense to import 3rd world scum
to do all the jobs Americans are too expensive to do, that is if you can't just
offshore the whole mess in the first place.

kudos to you bub

Just don't think that the bleating proles are so fuckin' stoopid that they don't realize
what is being done to them, one day their ire may indeed boil over (and they are still armed) ?
narr I suppose that frog has boiled a longtime ago eh?
Again with the crap that focuses on me instead of the issue.
is this a style of argument learned in your Liberal Arts courses?
didja read the article?
dude if the American worker wasn't prices out of range by the market distortions
caused by the government distortions in the domestic labor market then it wouldn't
be profitable to import rat eaters to under cut them.

Having an engineer whose native language isn't Engrish isn't preferable to a good old American boy!

Hell even a Wal-Mart cashier, a Logistics Coordinator and relocation specialist or a former CEO knows that :p

market distortions... yeah that's it. that's what's causing american kids to be too lazy to take math.

dude are you really that silly?
all the college grads are either girls or Asians
or they are Asian girls

In your 'distorted' veiw of the world
all the white males are at home in mom's basement playing XBox and smokin' pot
or manning the lines at the Occupy protests?
yeah chooch i'm sure you understand far better than i do what kinds of folks show up at engineering schools.
oh no no no!
you are the final self appointed authority on all you survey
no one can have an independent thought outside of your distorted wold view

the FAA has no business directing air traffic
that's right it could be privatized and honestly
the USPS? Really? Oh and do we really need
a DOZEN aircraft carrier battle groups and what about
those school teachers in the NEA Minx sez they aren't turning out
graduates that can manage to compete with 3rd world rat eaters and...
sorry, i no longer watch turdlet videos.

i've had enough of that nonsense from the special kid.

if you can't put together some ideas and assertions in your own words, i don't wanna hear it.

ok dude I'll do that as soon as you manage to type something that isn't along the lines of:

I know I am but what are you?