I hate small dogs passionately. Only two things they are good for a) Growing into big dogs. b) Food for big dogs.

And just an aside: Driving with a dog on your lap / arm / shoulders or anywhere near the driver's seat is a blatant disregard for your own & oher road users' safety. It is crazy and potentially deadly.
AlphaTroll said:
I hate small dogs passionately. Only two things they are good for a) Growing into big dogs. b) Food for big dogs.

And just an aside: Driving with a dog on your lap / arm / shoulders or anywhere near the driver's seat is a blatant disregard for your own & oher road users' safety. It is crazy and potentially deadly.

Attack, maim, kill....
AlphaTroll said:
I hate small dogs passionately. Only two things they are good for a) Growing into big dogs. b) Food for big dogs.
If it can't try to shove it's nose up your butt it's not a real dog. :toast:
highwayman said:
Attack, maim, kill....

I suppose I would eventually bleed to death. After about a week of that thing nipping at my ankles (that is of course if I can resist the urge to stomp on its head).

Now, if my dog was to bite you......please at least attempt to crawl out of the gate and bleed to death on the pavement :p

Pics of the breed of my dog (Boerboel).




My dog is relatviely small though (only reaches to my thigh) compared to my friend's doggy - a Boerboel / Ridgeback cross (I think the dog had a stallion for a dad).
The last pic is from some Aussie oke's blog. This is what he wrote: (must say this is kinda the way most people respond to Boeries - I just think they are great family dogs)

Aussie dude's blog said:

There is a breed of dog in South Africa called the Boerboel. It was bred by the Boers from a combination of about 5 or 6 other sorts of dog to be a guard dog on the farms. I’d never heard of it before I came here but since I’ve been here I’ve seen four of them. One belonging to a friend’s uncle I met back in mid April. Not long after I saw two of them in a backyard when I was helping someone move some furniture. Then Saturday morning just gone I met another one at another friend’s place and for the first time ever been properly nervous of a dog. These are one scary breed! Word has it that they are the only breed in the world bred specifically as a guard and watchdog. The one I met on Saturday morning was about 18 months old and going through something of adolescence. It got cranky with the other dogs there and had a go at them, and is the first time I’ve seen one of them go off. It was quite nerve racking. I could see that if these dogs decided to attack a human then that human would stay attacked.

It is bred from a number of other recognized breeds, five or six I understand. I was told some of them and remembered that they include in their number Bull Mastiffs, Great Danes and St Bernards. Someone else told me that they also have some bulldog of some description in them but someone else told me that that wasn’t true. Whatever they come from they are one of the biggest, strongest dogs I’ve ever seen. Their forelegs are about as thick as my forearms and their paws probably a touch bigger than the palms of my hands. They don’t carry any significant fat and with their short hair and skin taut on their frame you can see the outline of almost every huge muscle on them.

They are a very handsome dog, and when they are friendly even quite cute in a big ugly dog sort of way. When this dog on the weekend started getting upset though it was a different story altogether. The sound it makes when it growls is so deep and menacing it reminded me of lions growling. Maybe that had something to do with why I was a bit more nervous than usual of it, perhaps I was subconsciously thinking it would be able to eat me if it tried, as a lion could. I wonder if that growl is even part of the breeding? Probably just a bonus side effect. I reckon an intruder on a farm in the bush would certainly think twice about going any closer to the source of that sort of sound.

Here is a photo of Shangaan, the dog I met Saturday, with some normal size human feet for scale. How about that mouth ay?...