Post your Favorite Hobbies.

steweygrrrr said:
currently I play warhammer FB (a bit), warhammer 40k, Necomunda, battlefleet gothic, dabbled in a bit of epic 40k and just starting out with the new and improved battletech

are all those done by Games Workshop? i know Warhammer is but i havent heard of the rest. it is an intrest of mine tho
Yeah all but battletech which used to be done by FASA but has been taken over by WizKids. Battlefleet Gothic is REALLY cool because you get to play with the (rather large - 3km+!) warships of each race!

Bish: OMG! I wish I had a painting area setup like yours! whered you get the magnifying glass/light from? And the paint job of the keeper of secrets is bloody awesome!
CydCharisse said:
I always tell people who pursue a relantionship with me is "Don't try and figure me out because you won't succeed."

I've figured you out Cyd. And what I've figured out is that I won't succeed. :D

Hmmm... Let's see. Favorite Hobbies

- Building/Repairing/Maintaining Computers
- Reading
- Writing
- Sleeping
- Surfing the "Interweb" :tardbang:
- PC games
- Console games
- Sleeping
- Fixing my car (I spend more time doing THAT than driving it)
- Movies (movie-going freak)
- Shoot pool
- Playing with my cats
- Messing with other software on my computer
- Fixing my computer after messing with other software
- Creating web pages (building my site)
- Oh, and sleeping

That's all I could think of because I'm tired. I think I'll enjoy one of my favorite hobbies right now. :rfap: err, umm, I meant sleeping. :eh: