Pot, MJ, MaryJane, Whack-Tabac etc...

Gato_Solo said:
It's illegal? ;)
Yep. When I was an itinerant musician and parts guy I used to smoke it (or ingest it in other ways) all the time. Now the social climate has changed plus I have a lot more to lose, so I don't. As I've said before though, if they legalized it tomorrow I'd be rolling a fat one tomorrow night.

As I've also said before, I find it unconscionable that tobacco and alcohol are legal and marijuana is not, but then history has proved again and again that prohibition doesn't work and yet on we go. :shrug:

Where's that damned soapbox smilie when I need it?

Aahhh.... I feel better now.
Genna said:
Never done it, my friend wants me to try it. I doubt I'll do it.

You ain't missing much. If you ever decide to do it, don't do it because "your friend" wants you to try it. I've been on both ends of that conversation (to my chagrin), and it sucks both ways, in retrospect.
Um ... I've tried it, maybe once or twice. First tried it in college. I think it must not affect me quite like it does others, or else I don't have good enough stuff. Because it just pretty well relaxes me and makes the stress go away (and any pain that might be there -- physical, not emotional).

I rather enjoy it and rather like Bill Hick's logic in making it mandatory. *hehe* ;)
never have, but have thought of it, but have decided against it, only to reconsider that, only to realise that i dont really care anyway.
I never tried the stuff, since I think that it's just as dangerous as cigarettes(I will never smoke cigarettes, now that's stupid!) I have seen other people get high when I was younger. I have a few friends in my school who smoke it, and enjoy it(they aren't good with grades). I always try everything at least once, and who knows, shit, college will be coming in about three years, it just might happen. They'll have to get me drunk first, lol. I won't become a stoner or anything.
I smoked it when in college and high school, every day for a while. Good times. I quit at the end of my senior year of college so I could get a job. For those who wonder, I didn't have any problems quitting since it's not physically addictive. I've done it a few times since, though not often. Never during the week, if I do it close to bed time I’m way too groggy in the morning.

I find it amazing how pot has such a stigma while alcohol does not. Alcohol impairs a person much more than marijuana does.

Tried it a few times...found out that I'm allergic to it and the sideeffects are far too harsh to warrant doing it again. Then again, I'm allergic to milk-by-products, but I wouldn't give up pizza, cheese, yoghurt etc...if you twisted my arm HARD!

I'm odd that way...must be the pot :)