

New Member
Simply put, I've never smoked pot and I want to know what's so great about it. Why do (did) you smoke? What do you get out of it? Why is it such a wonderful thing that you love so much? Do (did) you have any reservations about smoking and how frequently you smoked?

Seriously, this isn't a witch hunt. I just don't understand it, never having had it. I'm just curious what your reasons are/were.
The first time I smoked it because I was curious. This was 26 years ago. I still smoke it occasionally, maybe 2 or 3 times a month. It intensifies my perceptions: sex is better, music is better, food is incredible, etc. This isn't to say I don't enjoy all of these things sober, but they take on an added dimension for me when I'm high.

Regrets? none.
It's like getting drunk, but having control of your movements still, like floating a bit, everything is a little more sensitive to touch, you just feel mellow.

I haven't smoked for over 4 years now, and I miss it incredibly, but I won't go back either. It is not physically addictive, but it is definitely mentally addictive, and I just can't stop once I start.
greenfreak said:
Simply put, I've never smoked pot and I want to know what's so great about it. Why do (did) you smoke? What do you get out of it? Why is it such a wonderful thing that you love so much? Do (did) you have any reservations about smoking and how frequently you smoked?

Seriously, this isn't a witch hunt. I just don't understand it, never having had it. I'm just curious what your reasons are/were.
i like pot...alot...it's a very minor high...or a major high...same as alcohol, it depends on you...you are in control, you know? i doesn't upset my stomach or give me a hangover....it's a nice mellow...it just makes things mellow...for me. but different people react differently. i won't say it's the greatest thing in the world and everyone should smoke it because it's not that big of a deal. it's nice, nicer than alcohol.
I tried it a couple of times out of curiosity as well. Unfortunately, I didn't have a great reaction to it. I felt nauseous, dizzy etc. I'll never try the stuff again. Just the smell of it around me makes me sick.
I'd rather get drunk. It's more fun, and you can do it with a cop, and not have to worry about waking up with Bubba.
Professur said:
I'd rather get drunk. It's more fun, and you can do it with a cop, and not have to worry about waking up with Bubba.
Sure you can. It happened to my friend... Later he found out he was bi. Ok, maybe not Bubba, but you get the point.
... I like pot.

and/or other mind altering substances

simply because life's shit sometimes and people need to let go

when you do it, it's like... you're... cool... and then you like... close your eyes and... see stuff in your head.

it's a mellow kind of thing, and I have no regrets, though I'm sure I will when I get caught. but until I do, I just do it as a way of letting go. hey, it's better than cutting, right? :nuts2:

btw, never do acid.
I don't get high easily from it. I have in inhale huge amounts of the stuff, and get drunk first... so I generally don't bother. :shrug:
I enjoy it. First started when I was 19. Helped the monthly pains feel better. Now I have a variety of reasons to smoke, but without blowing smoke up anyone's ass, I'll be frank and say I smoke because I like it. I like to smoke in the mornings, especially, because the mellow is just so much mellower. It makes me happy to come to work in the mornings, or at least less depressed about it.

A partial reason I smoke, also, is the hand-to-mouth addiction. I don't smoke cigarettes anymore, but my pot smoke has increased. Quitting cigarettes was much easier when you still have something to satisfy the physical need of actual "smoking".
ralphie said:
... I like pot.

and/or other mind altering substances

simply because life's shit sometimes and people need to let go

when you do it, it's like... you're... cool... and then you like... close your eyes and... see stuff in your head.

it's a mellow kind of thing, and I have no regrets, though I'm sure I will when I get caught. but until I do, I just do it as a way of letting go. hey, it's better than cutting, right? :nuts2:

btw, never do acid.

Some of us call that running away. The problem with that is that when you come back, the problems are all still there, and you fell worse than before, having felt so good. So you get high again.

Note that the original thing that made you want to get high in the first place still hasn't been dealt with.
Professur said:
Some of us call that running away. The problem with that is that when you come back, the problems are all still there, and you fell worse than before, having felt so good. So you get high again.

Note that the original thing that made you want to get high in the first place still hasn't been dealt with.

and I can't do shit about the problems until I finally get away from this family.

as I said, it's better than cutting.
Professur said:
Some of us call that running away. The problem with that is that when you come back, the problems are all still there, and you fell worse than before, having felt so good. So you get high again.

Note that the original thing that made you want to get high in the first place still hasn't been dealt with.

Yep yep. Been there.
Tell me, Ralphie. When you get back down, is it any easier to keep going? Or is it harder, because you felt so much better for a time?
I smoke just to have a good time. Don't do it extremely often but it's just a way to mellow out. Especially with school being such a whirlwind. Sometimes it's really hard to take an evening off because even though you've freed up the time your mind refuses to stop turning and thinking about school. So, I smoke a bit and mellow out. The next day I'm not hungover as I would be if I was drunk the night before and my mind has had a chance to rest and all is good.
Tons more questions, hope you don't mind. :)

I've always seen it as something people do to feel better. To feel something that they can't feel any other way in their life. To lose control. Just from these few responses, that seems to be the trend.

Do any of you get that good of a feeling out of anything else in your life? Is that the only way you can feel good, to use a drug? What about your kids, don't they bring you as much joy? What do you say to people that think something must be missing in your life if you need to smoke pot so much to feel better about yourself?

And for the parents (or those who plan on having kids) would you smoke pot with your children and tell them what you posted here? That it's a good thing, makes you feel good, so it's cool? Try to convince them that it's no worse than alcohol and encourage them to find out for themselves?

And where do you get it from? I mean, I hate to sound so naive, but do you have a dealer that you have clandestine visits with? Canadians, no need to answer, I know you had that huge warehouse all to yourselves. ;)

I appreciate all of you answering me. I've truly always wondered about these questions. :)
I have lotsa things that make me happy. As I said, I don't do it to be happy, cause most of the time I am happy. I do it to force my brain to stop thinking for a little while...thinking about physics and math 24/7 would drive a person INSANE!

I guess I am the odd ball?
greenfreak said:
Tons more questions, hope you don't mind. :)

I've always seen it as something people do to feel better. To feel something that they can't feel any other way in their life. To lose control. Just from these few responses, that seems to be the trend.
i don't do it to lose control...i do it because i like the mellow...i may smoke more if i've had a bad day but that's because having a bad day makes you crave feeling good....if you are using anything to drown your troubles you need to acknowledge this and try to rectify the situation.

Do any of you get that good of a feeling out of anything else in your life?
sure! my children. special people.

Is that the only way you can feel good, to use a drug?
no, but some days you take what you can get.

What about your kids, don't they bring you as much joy? see above. What do you say to people that think something must be missing in your life if you need to smoke pot so much to feel better about yourself?
i ask them what vices they are hiding...everyone has a vice, pot is mine.

And for the parents (or those who plan on having kids) would you smoke pot with your children and tell them what you posted here?
doing drugs with your children is twisted..as a general rule i do not smoke in front of my children...it has happened....but no one thinks twice about drinking a beer or smoking a cigarette in public in front of children.
That it's a good thing, makes you feel good, so it's cool? Try to convince them that it's no worse than alcohol and encourage them to find out for themselves?
i will not teach them it is cool...it is a vice the same as any other and i don't promote vices in children...when they are 18 they can make their own decisions about life but before that they abide by my rules...hypocritical? damn straight...name me one good parent who isn't.

And where do you get it from? I mean, I hate to sound so naive, but do you have a dealer that you have clandestine visits with?
you know people who know people who know people..:shrug: it is very prevalent really.