
When I was a teen, hash, acid and mescaline were much more readily available than pot, in my area. The reason I did it then? Because altered states of consciousness were fun and the drugs were cheaper than alcohol. :shrug:

Most of us are constantly on our toes, thinking about what we say, and how we act. Alcohol or drugs lower your inhibitions and get you to a place where you can have fun without worrying as much about what people think. Yes it's an escape, and yes there are many ways one can choose to escape. Bottom line is we all need to get away mentally sometimes, how one chooses to do it is completely up to the individual.

I never smoked regularly, and after my first pregnancy, I developed an unfortunate side effect. Vertigo. Bad, bad vertigo, to the point where the slightest movement has me retching. Needless to say I choose not to smoke :) Alcohol is still a good friend, however.
friends were doing it and basically they pressured me the first time. after that I did it whenever I could and I always enjoyed it when I did it.
ralphie said:
simply because life's shit sometimes and people need to let go

You are not old enough to know whether life is shit. You are a child. Drugs make you stupid (even more than a child normally is). Put them down & go do your homework or play outside or something. Just say whoa when you are of age & not until.
Heck, when I was in college, posession of up to 7/8 of an ounce was a civil offense (akin to a parking ticket). I like it because it's fun, first of all (the drug problem in the world will never get better until people first admit that drugs are fun, to start with).

You are not old enough to know whether life is shit. You are a child. Drugs make you stupid (even more than a child normally is). Put them down & go do your homework or play outside or something. Just say whoa when you are of age & not until.

Forgive us father for we have sinned.
greenfreak said:
Do any of you get that good of a feeling out of anything else in your life? Is that the only way you can feel good, to use a drug?

Plenty of stuff gives me joy. Getting high is not a better feeling, it's just different. It enhances certain experiences, say the way a fabulous wine can enhance a meal. Or freshly ground and brewed coffee at breakfast. You can get overindulge in anything. I prefer to savor sensual pleasures in moderation.

And where do you get it from? I mean, I hate to sound so naive, but do you have a dealer that you have clandestine visits with?

nope... just a few extremely good friends who occasionally share their supply with me... :love3:
greenfreak said:
Tons more questions, hope you don't mind. :)

I've always seen it as something people do to feel better. To feel something that they can't feel any other way in their life. To lose control. Just from these few responses, that seems to be the trend.

Do any of you get that good of a feeling out of anything else in your life? Is that the only way you can feel good, to use a drug? What about your kids, don't they bring you as much joy?
Yeah, I do now. Kids are a big part of it now, but work gives me rewards that fill the gap as well.

What do you say to people that think something must be missing in your life if you need to smoke pot so much to feel better about yourself?
Today, I'd tell them they were right on. A few years back, nothing was missing, that was a part of my life. Sure it was an escape, but mostly harmless.

And for the parents (or those who plan on having kids) would you smoke pot with your children and tell them what you posted here? That it's a good thing, makes you feel good, so it's cool? Try to convince them that it's no worse than alcohol and encourage them to find out for themselves?

Tough one there. I think when they get a bit older I'll know when it's becoming available to them, we'll have to sit down and discuss it further, and possibly, yeah, we may twist one up and burn one. I'd much rather they get the truth from me than from the local dealer, or from the school for that matter. No, I'm not naive, I know it's available now if they want it, but I'm pretty sure they don't want it yet. Being a user for nearly 15 years taught me a few things.

And where do you get it from? I mean, I hate to sound so naive, but do you have a dealer that you have clandestine visits with?

Nothing that romantic. It's odd, really. I could tell you how I met a couple dealers in the past, but most I couldn't tell you how we hooked up. Parties I guess, and just started a relationship that way. I don't know about other drugs, never really did anything besides pot, but most pot dealers are small time, users themselves, that want to help pay for their own supply. Most of the time the clandestine visits were at their house or they came to mine.
i smoke pot when i can, which isnt very often.
why do i smoke pot? Natalie put it best...
Im what you would call the "paranoid" pot smoker! So thats why I dont.
Did some in earlier years but haven't in a longgggg time.
Just Naturally high... :swing:
Who here agrees with me that it's probably not the best idea to admit to doing something illegal on the internet?
ill agree but most of us unless still doing it would be fine. but you do have a point that it is now going to be out there.
gonz, I never said it was a good idea, and I never said I wasn't a child, but with all due respect, if I wanna think my life's shit, then I will.

as for the questions go, nothing makes me happier except for writing a good chapter and furthering progress on my book, which should be finished soon.

and I get it for free from a friend who's trying to get on my good side, so he buys it for me... ^_^
Inky - for it to matter someone would have to believe what everyone is saying. I can tell you I smoke pot all day and night, but that doesn't make it true just because I posted on the internet. ;)

Pot doesn't make the burdens go away, but it sure makes them easier to deal with.
ralphie said:
if I wanna think my life's shit, then I will.

and I get it for free from a friend who's trying to get on my good side, so he buys it for me... ^_^

I'm well aware of that...you still don't have a clue. As for your "friend", put him in jail for dealing.
That's how all good salesmen work, Ralphie. Hell, even in the supermarkets, you've got that bitch handing out free samples of cereal to kids. Then, when they've got you hooked, that's when you start paying. And paying. And paying.

And IMO, anyone giving you drugs .. by definition ... isn't your friend.
Gonz said:
I'm well aware of that...you still don't have a clue. As for your "friend", put him in jail for dealing.
Just wondering Gonz, is the view pretty good from up there on your high horse?
I had this view in the 4th grade. Same with the 7th, 10, & into my early 20's. I decided to see what the hubbub was about in my mid-20's (for about 6 months) & realized I was smarter at 17.

It's actually a nice view.

I find someone giving my 14 yo drugs & they'll wish for jail.