
Ok, I used to smoke often, and a lot, but i was also doing coke, and other unhealthy stuff (but no, one does not lead to the other)

Now I will still occasionally smoke up, like once or twice a year, it's like having a drinkm for me anyway, I know my concious is altered, I don't plan on working, or operationg heavy machinery after a smoke, so no biggy.

It's a nice mellow high, tha is why I do it.

Would I smoke with my kids? well, if they where old enough, and came out and told me they smoked, then sure, I have smoked up with my family, during the high holidays.

Clandesdine dealers? well i have my aunt, my neibor, and a co-worker, not shady types with long leather coats (though my aunt got some phat rims on her mini-van)

I just don't think it is a big deal, have a few shots of jaigermeister, and you'll feel like smoked a joint
I used to a helluva lot of drugs, just about the netire narcotics ABC & usually most of them together. Can't really say that I started taking one because of the other, it was just there & I wanted to.

Started smoking pot after I matriculated (yup - I was one of those 'good' kids who actually thought school wasn't bad & who went for the sole purpose of learning) and yup, I still smoke it today.

Actually I smoke more today than I used to. But it's not an issue of being pressured into it - wasn't even that when I started. Thing is I just like the way it makes me feel & it's great as a sleeping aid.

If I have it I have it & if I don't I really don't care, hell it's so easy & cheap to get here I won't be without for very long if it really becomes an issue.

But yeah, whether you smoke the stuff or not, is up to you - as long as you make the decision by yourself & don't get bullied into it :shrug:
I smoked quite a bit in my college days, but not in a looooong time. It's a different high than alcohol, it has no hangover effect, and it's nice and mellow. Unfortunately, it's also illegal, and I have zero interest in an arrest record. Simply not worth it.

greenfreak said:
Tons more questions, hope you don't mind. :)

I've always seen it as something people do to feel better. To feel something that they can't feel any other way in their life. To lose control. Just from these few responses, that seems to be the trend.

Do any of you get that good of a feeling out of anything else in your life? Is that the only way you can feel good, to use a drug?

Of course not. Not now, and not when I smoked. Drinking isn;t the only way I can have a good time either, but I still enjoy a beer.

greenfreak said:
What about your kids, don't they bring you as much joy? What do you say to people that think something must be missing in your life if you need to smoke pot so much to feel better about yourself?

Kids bring more joy and pain than anything I've ver experienced, bar none. Dont believe me? Try dealing with a sick kid (pain) and then hearing him laugh after the fever breaks (joy).

I never smoked pot to feel better about myself. I usually smoked pot to escape something (a bad day, a bad situation, complete boredom, whatever).

greenfreak said:
And for the parents (or those who plan on having kids) would you smoke pot with your children and tell them what you posted here? That it's a good thing, makes you feel good, so it's cool? Try to convince them that it's no worse than alcohol and encourage them to find out for themselves?

Hard to say. Moot point, since my wife's already set the policy - he'll get his ass kicked.

greenfreak said:
And where do you get it from? I mean, I hate to sound so naive, but do you have a dealer that you have clandestine visits with? Canadians, no need to answer, I know you had that huge warehouse all to yourselves. ;)

Back when I did it, everybody seemed to have a connection somewhere in their immediate group of friends. Oddly, about the time I outgrew smoking it, everybody outgrew that set of friends. :D

greenfreak said:
I appreciate all of you answering me. I've truly always wondered about these questions. :)

You're welcome!
freako104 said:
Homey!!! whats new!!! hows the family doin?? its been a while mate

That depsnds, feeako. If you've got 5 minutes, not a whole lot is new. If you've got two hours, well, have a seat and listen up...

Family's doing just great, thanks. My kid runs the place now, but that's expected.