
I've already invited Leslie for my BBQ, you might as well come. Hell, even A13 might make it depending on when my date is.

Perhaps I can con Nix into coming down, and a few other near-border folk to come up too :)
Make it an unofficial OTC-BBQ !!!

I usually get between 40-60 people anyway...from all walks of life and accross the spectrum, from Priests to Lesbians...waht a re a few sex-crazed freaks more or less / :)
MrBishop said:
I've already invited Leslie for my BBQ, you might as well come. Hell, even A13 might make it depending on when my date is.

Perhaps I can con Nix into coming down, and a few other near-border folk to come up too :)
Make it an unofficial OTC-BBQ !!!

I usually get between 40-60 people anyway...from all walks of life and accross the spectrum, from Priests to Lesbians...waht a re a few sex-crazed freaks more or less / :)

I haven't gotten my invitation yet???? :crying4:
Don't you think you'd better check with "she who must be obeyed" before you go adding another 40 or so people?
MrBishop said:
you and Paul are invited...as is Camelyn (She comes anyway already), and Prof (ditto).


Yippeeeeeee!!!! We'll be there for sure, as long as we don't already have something. :kiss:
Uki Chick said:

Yippeeeeeee!!!! We'll be there for sure, as long as we don't already have something. :kiss:

Might as well RSVP in the LL then..there's a thread just for that one :)

Can't wait!
Oh, if I got there I could learn to drive standard before it was time to leave Prof :D

If I could figure out a way to pay the damned insurance...:(

Car pools are good but neither Les nor I have a car...:(

I wanted to go this past summer and couldn't con Vince into going to Montreal for a weekend and wasn't so keen on the bus ride alone...